Art Investment

Oleg Lang gallery pop /off /art

First posthumous exhibition of Oleg Lang (1950-2013) is about 20 works of the artist created in the last months of life

Gallery pop /off /art
March 4 - April 12, 2014
CSI Winery , Moscow, 4 Syromyatnicheskiy Lane 1, page 6

Gallery pop /off /art exhibition opens today « Lang . Last picture. " This is the first posthumous exhibition of the artist, who died suddenly November 13, 2013 . It will include about 20 paintings created in the last months of life . One of the works , large-scale painting " The Ball Game " was written on the very day of death. But the last picture Lang - is not just a chronological completion of its work. They marked a new , phenomenally intense but short radical step of his work , in fact the transition to another level of plasticity to the image - as always with him - fresh, today's painting. Truly innovative, due to the natural evolution of the plastic language , rather than by the plot or additives and conceptual notions . Understanding this type of painting only will our art community , but it is already clear that the genesis of paintings Oleg Lang - unprecedented in complexity and originality phenomenon in Russian art .

Under branch.
2013 Acrylic on canvas . 140 × 120
Source : Press Release pop /off /art
Beekeeper .
2013 Acrylic on canvas . 140 × 120
Source : Press Release pop /off /art

Painting Lang seems recognizable and easy to read - but only at first , cursory glance . Anyone seen it echoes uninhibited style of Jean - Michel Basquiat , someone - continued painting " new wild " and someone refers to primitive times classical avant-garde . However, this kind of parallels and the search wizard depending on foreign languages, which were well known to him and moderately appreciate not much clarify the situation. Oleg Lang followed primarily to its own logic of pictorial language , before the canvas was primarily equal to itself . This logic could cause it to irrelevance and figurative style to a rigid , within its framework collage principle coexisted with expressive beautiful finish, and easy to spot color not contrary to accurately calculate the black outline - sometimes in the arm thick. Particular , it is characteristic of Lang building plots in which , for example, historical reflection coexisted with irony , as was due not so much to the principles of how organic his painting .

Petersburg .
2013 Acrylic on canvas . 140 × 120
Source : Press Release pop /off /art
boat in the grass.
2013 Acrylic on canvas . 160 × 180
Source : Press Release pop /off /art

In cycle recent paintings previously tested methods add up to a new , freer hand. Lang was always a unique way. He could move far enough so that the perception of its trajectory will require more time and effort from the viewer. Heritage Oleg Lang - active , lively, largely continues to unfold after the departure of the author .

« Last picture" - the fifth solo exhibition of Oleg Lang ( 1950-2013 ) in the gallery pop /off /art. Previous successfully held in Berlin branch galleries less than a year ago , revealing the artist's German audience . Gallery pop /off /art also has organized his largest solo show at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art in 2010. In the days when Oleg died, his retrospective at the Museum of Contemporary Art "Erarta" in St. Petersburg . Dozens of paintings included in meeting Lang Russian museums. On the evening of the opening day of the exhibition will be presented in the gallery album catalog of his works , published by " CI " in 2013 .

Source : press release pop /off /art

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