Art Investment

"The Inner Circle" in the "House Naschokina"

Today in the gallery "House Naschokina" opens exhibition of the works of Andrei Tarkovsky and his "inner circle" - Tonino Guerra, Otar Iosseliani, Sergei Parajanov, Rustam Khamdamov and Yuri Rost

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Gallery "House Naschokina »,
February 11 - March 30, 2014
Moscow Vorotnikovsky lane. , 12

Today in the gallery " House Naschokina " presents " The Inner Circle " representing creativity ( his photographs ) , as well as works of Tonino Guerra , Otar Ioseliani , Sergei Parajanov , Rustam Khamdamov and Yuri Rost . Exhibition dedicated to the memory of Paola Volkova .

Tonino Guerra : « Tarkovsky often pondered flight" time " and wanted only one thing: to stop it - and even a quick glance of the instant Polaroid pictures » .

About two years ago Paola Volkova suggested gallery " House Naschokina " polaroid cameras to make an exhibition of Andrei Tarkovsky , one of the most interesting facets of the talent of the great master , unfortunately, is quite well-known to a narrow circle of admirers . However, in the process of discussing the idea to show in this exhibition not only the work of Andrei Arsenevicha , but also his " inner circle »

Natalia Rurik , director of the gallery "House Naschokina " : « Hand Tarkovsky, his view , the choice of shooting - gorgeous, he is very recognizable in these photos , in tune with their blockbusters ! But we thought with Paola and decided to expand the circle of like-minded fellow , circle talents belonging to the same era , intersect and creativity, and in life - people of the same blood group ! Thus was born the idea of ​​the exhibition " The Inner Circle " , which we did not have time to exercise during the life of Paola Volkova. But now that we prepare and dedicate it ! ».

The exhibition includes polaroids Andrei Tarkovsky ( first time in Moscow ), photos of his films and family archives , correspondence with Andrew Tonino Guerra , excerpts from diaries , memoirs and articles about him. Lectures will be presented by Paola Volkova Tarkovsky !

Drawings , sculpture, painting , Tonino Guerra . And since the creation of the film photos "Nostalgia" and Tonino with friends, Laura minded .

drawings will be exhibited for the first time Otar Iosseliani accompanied by his texts, photographs and famous storyboards to his films .

Photos Yuri Rost , who at various times was shooting Tonino Guerra , Otar Iosseliani, Sergei Parajanov , Rustam Khamdamov and Paola Volkova .

collages , graphics , film stills and photographs from the personal archives of the family Parajanov .

Trainee Paola Volkova - Rustam Hamdamov complement exhibit their works , paintings and photographs .

Installation living Paola Volkova, where she took all of my friends .

see this unique creative environment will be in the gallery " House Naschokina " from February 11 to March 30. During the exhibition will be organized screenings of famous directors , lectures and recitals .

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