Art Investment

Paul Pepperstein in Moscow "Regina"

Today in the gallery "Regina" Winery opens exhibition Paul Pepperstein "Holy policy." Submitted 10 paintings and several graphic works
Paul Pepperstein
Source : Press Release Gallery "Regina »

Gallery "Regina »
January 27 - March 15, 2014
Moscow, 4 th BANKS . 1
CSI "Winery »

Today in the gallery "Regina" Winery opens exhibition Paul Pepperstein « Holy policy ».

new projects in Russia Pepperstein had almost five years, during which the status and authority of the artist continued invariably gain weight. Open year show live classic - a welcome and major event for Regina , which goes beyond the purely artistic phenomenon , as it follows from the name of the exhibition "Holy policy ».

The exhibition features 10 paintings and several graphic . Pepperstein naive and almost childlike "blessed " casts a glance political reality. Topical pain points are embodied in the fabulous characters , mythical allies website declaring anger and irritation from happening in the world. Artist connects cultural codes and cartoon characters , bright colors and graphic images. His character - a man in general , without reference to any particular person or country. The author speaks about the game minds of politicians around the world , which should not criticize or try to overcome. For adequate perception is helpful just awareness of what is happening . Tense atmosphere and social unrest , according Pepperstein presented in old forms and unemployed .

Copyright in the spirit of the idea of ​​" general investigation " once proclaimed group of " Medical Hermeneutics " draws a fan relevant topics - from political vsederzhaviya to urban policy and environmental issues from the " predators civilization ».

Inspired by the works of Oskar Kokoschka and Soviet political caricature artist paints his characters , who , like the revived metaphors intertwine with texts and are a continuation of each other. "These days, no political solution is possible without the alien control ," " We'll go this way ", " The political dimension is included in the aesthetic space " - slogans , applicable to both gaining momentum political course of our country and what is happening in the world .

Paul Pepperstein - participated in more than 100 solo and group exhibitions in Russia and abroad, including the New Museum ( New York, 2011) , the Louvre (Paris, 2010), the gallery "Regina " (" Russian novel 2000", "Hypnosis" , 2004, " City of Russia" , 2007, " either - or ", 2009, "Spring ", 2010 ; «From Mordor With Love», 2011 , " Ophelia " ( in conjunction with . Pivovarov ) , 2012, Regina London) . Member of the First Triennial of Bergen ( 2013 ) , 53 - ĭ Venetsianskoĭ Biennale (2009) and the 26th Biennale in Sao Paulo (2004). His works are in the collections of the State Tretyakov Gallery and the State Russian Museum in major museums and private collections . Known as a critic , art theorist and author of "Diet old man " (1997 ), " Love Mythogenic castes " (1999) , "Spring" (2010), "Prague Night " (2011 ).

Source : press Release gallery " Regina »

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