Art Investment

Artists Florenskie in Marat Gelman Gallery at the "Winery"

Famous St. Petersburg artists Olga Florenskaya (1960), Alexander Florensky (1960) and their daughter Katya Florenskaya (1986) first exhibited together

Cultural Alliance . Project Marat Gelman ,
January 27 - March 2, 2014
Moscow, 4 th BANKS . 1
CSI "Winery" , pavilion № 23

famous Petersburg artist Olga Florenskaya (1960 ), Alexander Florensky ( 1960) and their daughter Katya Florenskaya (1986) exhibited together for the first time . Exposure actually consists of three solo exhibitions where artists show selected works from three of his last projects .

Olga Florensky
Source : Press Release " Cultural Alliance
project Marat Gelman »

Olga Florenskaya . " Signs »

Actually , I do long overdue painting signs. The fact that for many years I have been collecting " everyday printing ." During this time in my collection , a host of beautiful artifacts , written by anonymous authors on iron , glass, wood , stone and paper. But an even greater number of them , I have not managed to take hold .

Some samples could carry only a piece of a wall or fence , others hung too high or were nailed too hard , and some were so road to their owners that were in vain all persuasions and generous promises . That it was impossible to buy, beg or steal , just had that photograph . But can this collector Photo comfort !

Many of these masterpieces were lost irretrievably inaccessible literally before my eyes. I felt especially acutely is in Georgia, where the quantity and quality of homemade signage is amazing , and the southern sun and human carelessness greatly reduce their lifespan .

And now , living in Tbilisi, I invented simple and effective way of gathering - an honest exchange of old for new signage . For simplicity's sake, I've been making new signs himself. Business went well, and the collection was replenished several distinct patterns. But it soon became clear that it is impossible and even a few immoral hang their works half Tbilisi !

And then the artist in me overpowered collector. On glands and plywood by prepared to share , I started to paint signs for yourself. Some of them have a specific prototype , while others represent the author's " reconstruction " of the objects never existed .

project " Signs " began with a beautiful Georgian letters - any inscription in Georgian looks like a complex ornamental composition . Parallel drawn signs in Russian and English . Subsequently , once in Jerusalem , I enthusiastically painted signs in Arabic and Hebrew. Perhaps, over time there will be signs in other languages ​​.

Olga Florenskaya

KATIA Florenskie
Source : Press Release " Cultural Alliance
project Marat Gelman »

Katya Florenskaya . " Philately »

Amateur collection of stamps as an object for me has great aesthetic value. As a child, my inevitable stamp collection based solely on the beauty of the picture and pleasant topics for me - ships , animals, birds , etc. , ignoring the professional sequence of the collectibles . But the brand - this thing in itself and a private treasure - I have long wanted to make the theme of a series of paintings .

« Philately " - a logical continuation of the project " Collection ." Each of the paintings in the series depicts a stamp or block of stamps. Among them are drawn " from nature " and fictional brands in different countries .

series can be divided into several sections: " Makes about space ", " Georgian brand ", " Stamps painted in Jerusalem "," Stamps with reproductions of famous paintings , "etc.

Florenskaya Katya

 Alexander Florensky
Alexander Florensky
Source : Press Release " Cultural Alliance
project Marat Gelman »

Alexander Florensky . " Russian album »

In the eighties, I painted a lot of paintings on reproductions of various artists of all time . Someone then said that it is possible to issue a general history of art with my illustrations . Indeed, my range of interests in this sense was rather wide - from ancient mosaics and Giotto to Rembrandt and from the Venetians to Watteau . But to the Russian painting was somehow afraid to approach, besides I was firmly convinced that the Wanderers , for example, worse Impressionists ( now I this is far from certain ) . Then still got the idea to rewrite some Russian paintings , especially those where the plot is good and painting - not very. So there was a large series of paintings and drawings " Russian Album" I quietly and draw a lot of years. In this exhibition - the most recent ones .

Captions to his work I deliberately omit the name of the original author - on the contrary , the name of the painting is very important. One German art ( from the side, of course , know better !) Found in my " Russian Album " that my head did not occur : the content of many seemingly outdated paintings became relevant again ! I enthusiastically began to examine the contents of their works in the light of these considerations. That's really true: "The arrival of Governess in a Merchant House" somewhere in Rublevskoye highway, " Menshikov Birch" , " Apotheosis of War" somewhere in Georgia , " Refusal of Confession " in the colony , " Procession on Easter "" Tea in Mytishchi "," Unknown " in the chic convertible " Princess Tarakanova " in jail ... However , I was all politics and ideology is alien and drawing , anything I did not think this . And then that way you can get up to " meeting of the State Council" , and from there to close , forgive me, Lord , and to the "Demon flying ».

Alexander Florensky

Source : press release " Cultural Alliance . Marat Gelman project »

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