Art Investment

"In the kitchen Gribkova"

In "Photo Center" on Gogol Boulevard Gallery of Modern Art «Serge» presents paintings, drawings, sketches, photographs Vitaly Gribkova - his "kitchen" creating works of art

Gallery «Serge», 13-20 January 2014
Moscow, Gogol Boulevard , 8 " Photocenter »

in our era art largely lost its elitism and , as ever, becomes intensely part of human life . And not only because of new technological advances and increases the potential authors , but also because it reacts to everything that happens to a man and around him .

modern audiences are extremely interested in creating works of art kitchen . Often it is those "products" that were previously considered auxiliary and side , cause acute public interest in disclosing the secrets of creating a masterpiece , and acquiring the status of independent works of art .

Gallery «Serge» set the task of creating the exhibition project reflecting this current trend .

exhibition " in the kitchen Gribkova " offers a pictorial layer , consisting of drawings, sketches and photographs , which enters into a dialogue with an array of paintings created from it based on the author . This layer not only displays the features of a visual artist's thinking , but also claims to be reading it as a special genre .

particular importance for the evolution of the picturesque aesthetics Gribkova , emerging since the sixties of the XX century , has Photo . Since its inception , this new technology has been used representational artists , as have special properties render the world. Was particularly intense demand picture in the USSR in the 1960s and 70s , when many artists whose work is not combined with formal, turned to photography as a genre available , allowing to express their views. It was at this time there are archives, reflecting a holistic artistic vision website .

Such Archive today presented at the exhibition " In the kitchen Gribkova ." As an independent art object , it visibly demonstrates the author's relationship to his chosen topic phenomenon female idol. The viewer has the opportunity to compare the archive with the program paintings of Vitaly Gribkova .

Gigliola Chinkvetti oil on canvas. 75 × 90
Source : gallery «Serge»

oil on canvas. 80 × 60
Source : gallery «Serge»

Source: press release gallery «Serge»

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