Art Investment

Nikolai Nikogosyan Academy of Arts

Today opens the exhibition for the 95th anniversary of the famous painter and sculptor Nicholas Bagratovich Nikoghosian (b. 1918)

Arts, December 17, 2013 - January 8, 2014
Ul. Prechistenka, 21

famous sculptor , People's Artist of the USSR , laureate of the State Prize of the USSR , member of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts Nicholas Nikoghosian celebrates its 95th anniversary . On the anniversary retrospective exhibition dedicated at the Academy , which covers nearly 70 years of the artist's career .

Bagratovich Nikoghosian Nicholas (b. 1918) - Patriarch of domestic plastics. His talent is multifaceted: it is a sculptor, painter, graphic artist . He created portraits, compositions , monuments have become classics of Russian art of the twentieth century and Armenia .

December 2 artist 95 years old . Anniversary , he met at the easel : master continues to work tirelessly . Starting every day with your figure, in recent years, he has created many self-portraits graphics , only a small part of their exhibition includes . Will be displayed as sculpture and painting - selected works are often not familiar to the public , created at various stages of the creative ways that lasted more than 70 years .

Masters highly revered in his native Armenia, where he established many monuments . People of this country and its dramatic history of the subject of many works of N. Nikoghosian and in 2009 he was awarded the National Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots .

powerful humanistic pathos permeates the artist's work throughout the phenomenally long professional career. In the history of art, he came primarily as a wonderful portrait artist who created many expressive images of contemporaries. Always at the center of his work - the people. Nikoghosian - born muralist , prone to glamorize the characters. Using a variety of materials , especially the "eternal" Endemic sculpture granite, travertine and bronze , master tends to a high degree of generalization, to identify the typical , keeping bright personality depicted persons, reliability of their transmission characteristics. In all his works carefully thought Nikoghosian dramatic image , showing a genuine interest in the spiritual world of man, his psychological characteristics .

easily recognizable in a creative manner Nikoghosian Nicholas joined the traditions of Russian realistic school of sculpture , which he took from his mentor - eminent sculptor Alexander Alexander Matveev , and national plastics Armenia, dating back to the art of the Ancient East. By Nikoghosian images are full of vital energy , if charged deep force of the Earth , which holds the master 's favorite material - stone. In painting, sold his interest in the elements of color, as perceived through the bright colors of nature in Armenia .

In 1930 -40 -ies NB Nikoghosian was magnificent school first at the Institute of Painting, Sculpture architecture and the Russian Academy of Fine Arts (now Arts ) in Leningrad , and later at the Moscow Art Institute. Surikov (workshop Matveev ) . Since 1985, he taught at the Faculty of Architectural plastic MKHPU (now MGHPA them . Stroganov ) , since 1998 professor. In 1940, the artist began to participate in exhibitions and in 1942 joined the Union of Artists. In 1956, represented the country at the XXVIII International Biennale in Venice .

Nikolai Nikogosyan
Source :
Nikolai Nikogosyan
Source : rah. ru

For seven decades Nikolai Nikogosyan created an extensive gallery of portraits of contemporaries of the famous scientists and artists to ordinary workers . Among these works - widely known sculptural portraits of Gorky , GV Sviridov , Shostakovich , images Komitas Shirakaci , the song " Maya Plisetskaya ", " Toiler Ararat Valley ».

inherent maestro monumental gift manifested in paining , and numerous monuments of his work, and in the works of the memorial genre. N. Nikoghosian performed a number of outstanding works of monumental sculpture : monuments Avetik Isaakyanu Leninakan ( now Gyumri ) , Yeghishe Charents in Yerevan and several others, as well as decorative figures on the facade of a tall building on Uprising Square (now Kudrinskoy ) in Moscow and on the facade of the Palace of Science and culture in Warsaw . Sculptor created a plaque VE Meyerhold in Moscow , headstone Marshak at the Novodevichy cemetery , tombstones and other commemorative plaques .

Nikoghosian sculptor always attracted painting. He has long paints and today is so passionate about painting that devotes almost all his time . Color purity in the master's works symbolize the harmony of life .

as sculpture and painting N. Nikoghosian included in the golden fund of Soviet and Russian art, they are stored in the collections of the Russian Museum , the Tretyakov Gallery , Moscow Museum of Modern Art , the Museum of Fine Arts of Karelia and other Russian regional museums , as well as in the National Gallery of Armenia , in the art museums of Belarus, Kazakhstan , Latvia, Lithuania .

exhibition presents a range of N. Nikoghosian paintings never previously exhibited - both early and most recent . In general, canvases created over 60 years , however, many dating from the 2010s , including the current year. Wizard included in the exhibit and his favorite pictures in different years. The exhibition will also include sculptural works created in different periods and in different materials: portrait busts and heads , sketches of monuments , chamber compositions . A special place for the author - portraits of friends and colleagues, artists M. Saryan , P. M. P. Miturich , V. Pochitalova , A. D. Shmarinov , the critic A. M.Kamenskogo and many others .

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