Art Investment

Pavel Korin. Requiem. On the history of "Disappearing Russia"

For the first time after a major restoration work Tretyakov Gallery exhibits the entire body of portraits, sketches and sketches for an unfinished painting by Korin's "Requiem. Disappearing Russia ", including her intended for the large

State Tretyakov Gallery
November 22, 2013 - March 30, 2014
Moscow, Krimsky Val, 10, hall of special projects number 38

for several years, the Tretyakov Gallery was preparing for the implementation of a large and complex special project dedicated to the painting by Pavel Korin 's "Requiem . Disappearing Russia ", one of the most ambitious and enigmatic artistic designs of the twentieth century, which was left unfinished. For the first time after a major restoration work Tretyakov Gallery exhibits the entire body of portraits , sketches and sketches for the painting , including her intended for the large-format canvas .

Pavel Korin ( 1892-1967 ) - an outstanding painter, life and work is full of tragic ironies . Hereditary Palekh icon painter , a student and close friend Nesterov , PD Korin was known to contemporaries primarily as a portrait artist . His hands have become classic images belong to the artists C. Konenkov , M. Saryan , Nesterov , Kukryniksi , made ​​in 1940 -60 's. Significant for the Soviet monumental works of art are perceived Corina - mosaic subway stations "Komsomolskaya" and "Smolensk " , stained glass plant "Novoslobodskaya" . Thanks to them, the master has received official recognition. But his main occupation was the work on the film "Requiem ».

idea works appeared in March 1925 inspired by the popular farewell to Patriarch Tikhon , in which Corinne was involved. Shocked by what he saw, he decided to write a large canvas on which the main characters would be real participants in the funeral ceremony of the patriarch. For specific event artist saw generalization - "the church is the last parade " ( P. Korin ) . Calling the future picture "Requiem" , the master has defined it as the content of the funeral liturgy , funeral farewell. Second , well-known in the Soviet era , the title - " Vanishing Rus" (" Disappearing Russia ") - has been given to the product of Maxim Gorky and was for Corina sort of " safe conduct ».

The general idea of the "Requiem " has transformed over the years : the original version - leaving the ascetics , the death of the spiritual tradition - in the final transformed into evidence of " abiding set " of the Church as a perpetual source of spirit. Accordingly changed and composition . If the artist sketches of early versions of its line up on the basis of the procession , the procession (operation 1927 ) , the latter sketch (1959 ) Corinne came to the idea Deisis , choosing the site of action of the central space of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin .

As a result of preparatory work for the painting has formed a cycle of 29 portraits , sketches , songs choices , sketches of interiors of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Primed canvas ( 551 × 941 cm) , placed on display for decades stood untouched in the artist's studio . Now he perceived a kind of tuning fork , by which it becomes clear the grandeur of conception , indicating Corina as a successor of the tradition of the "big" historical picture , the most important for the national art, and the entire series of works created for " Disappearing Russia ", reads the most significant. Realistic portraits of the characters - the metropolitans , archbishops , abbots , skhimnitsy , the poor , the blind , the monks and nuns who came to bid farewell to their patriarch, - on canvas, the artist transformed into symbols of the tragic events in the history of Russia XX century. Many of the actors in "Requiem" served to Corina examples of moral and spiritual choice . The perpetuation of their image through art was one of the main tasks of the master. Crisp silhouettes, expressive but restrained gestures and postures suggest that significant internal strength characters in the movie , the best representatives of the Church of the Earth before the faces of the Heavenly Church .

Corinne continued to work on the project for more than 30 years , and do not start writing a large canvas. However, the failure to realize the main idea is not perceived as his failure. The idea of the "Requiem " and the process of working on it were unprecedented in Soviet art . Currently housing the works associated with the embodiment of this idea , it is a holistic creative project . Included in his work are built into a single , powerful polyphonic fabric . About picture Corina was legendary. The master painter became a place of pilgrimage for artists, writers , artists , diplomats , preserved memories of visiting her People's Commissars , the clergy . So "Requiem" has become a significant phenomenon of the informal artistic life of Moscow .

work on " Requiem " was the master of the laboratory , which formed the creative principles and painting techniques , largely determine the future opening in the plastic domestic arts of the 1960s .

Since its inception, the web was stored in the house PD Corina on Little Pirogov Street . Subsequently, under the will of the artist house was handed over to the Tretyakov Gallery and became one of the research departments of the museum. However, the workshop building - a former apartment building laundry room - was unsuitable for storage of exhibits . In unfavorable conditions, all linens changed color as the author varnish lost transparency. In 2009, the canvas came to the store from the Tretyakov Gallery is closed for refurbishment House Museum P. Korin . For several years, the museum specialists with unique author's procedures aligned lacquer film , spent regeneration varnish was removed sagging canvases. As a result of this work on many paintings were opened did not read the earlier parts , back depth and transparency of a color palette. Manifested intense color painting was a revelation even to the researchers of Corina . Modern audiences for the first time provided an opportunity to see these paintings in pristine condition .

Prepared catalog album , including an article about the history of the painting , a brief biography of the model, the chronology of the life and work of P. Korin .

design project exposure created by the architect and artist Avvakumov Yuri .

P. Korin works from the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery

KORIN PD Metropolitan Tryphon , in the world , Prince Turkestanov . Metropolitan Tryphon (the name in the catalog) . 1929 Oil on canvas. 130 × 68
Source : Press Release THG
KORIN PD Archimandrite Vladimir . 1926 Oil on canvas. 109 × 72,8
Source : Press Release THG

KORIN PD Father Sergius Assumption ( Sr.) ( Sergey Uspensky ) . 1929 Oil on canvas. 142 × 75
Source : Press Release THG
KORIN PD MK Kholmogorov . 1929 Oil on canvas. 71 × 67,2
Source : Press Release THG
 KORIN PD Archpriest Vasily Sobolev. 1930
KORIN PD Archpriest Vasily Sobolev. 1930 Oil on canvas. 146 × 91
Source : Press Release THG
 KORIN PD Shimoigumeniya . 1935
KORIN PD Shimoigumeniya . 1935 Oil on canvas. 145 × 75
Source : Press Release THG
 KORIN PD Archimandrite ( Father Nikita .) 1936
KORIN PD Archimandrite ( Father Nikita ) . 1936 Oil on canvas. 210 × 110
Source : Press Release THG
KORIN PD Metropolitan Sergius . 1937 Oil on canvas. 244 × 137
Source : Press Release THG

Source: press Release THG

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