Photo collages St. Petersburg species through the ages
In ROSPHOTO exhibition of photo collages, assembled from images of the late XIX — early XX century and contemporary photographs repeating in the same scale and perspective of the pre — revolutionary shots
In ROSPHOTO exhibition "memories of the present — Taras Lazarenko and Grigory Semyonov" representing the collages composed of images of the late nineteenth — the beginning of XX century and contemporary photographs, repeating — in the same scale and perspective — pre-revolutionary cadre@
the Committee for culture of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg society "A–I", with the participation of the State Museum and exhibition centre ROSPHOTO and the Institute of history of material culture Russian Academy of Sciences, present a draft of Taras Lazarenko and Gregory Semenov, "memories of the present." It includes 34 photo collage composed of pictures of the late nineteenth — the beginning of XX century and contemporary photographs, repeating — in the same scale and perspective — footage of pre-revolutionary. Among the old photos — the world-famous photos taken from the Windows of the Atelier of Karl Bulla in 1900-ies, and photography Admiralty embankment, made in the Studio "Boasson and Eggler".
Gone cabs, women in hats and men in long frock-coats, but the silhouette of the Savior on spilled Blood, Nevsky prospect Avenue, the contours of the banks of the Fontanka and Moika remain unchanged. "Memories of the present" — is a reconstruction of memory that tells us of the inseparable connection times, their unconditional predestinate@
Work presented simultaneously on the facades of the Grand Gostiny Dvor and in the halls of the House Kino@
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