Art Investment

Exhibition Artel disabled colorblind "Artists Pachkuny"

Today, the gallery pop /off /art presents a retrospective exhibition for the 50th anniversary and the 20th anniversary of creative activity of Yuri Nikolayevich Tatianina-head Artel disabled colorblind "Artists Pachkuny"

Gallery July 25 - September 8, 2013
CSI Winery, Moscow, 4 th BANKS. 1, page 6

Today in the gallery pop /off /art exhibition at the Artel disabled colorblind "Artists Pachkuny." This retrospective exhibition for the 50th anniversary and the 20th anniversary of creative activity of Yuri Nikolayevich Tatianina - artist and bookseller "Bezdnazvaniya" and the head of the Artel.

After the success of last year's exhibition at the gallery pop /off /art Artel disabled colorblind "Artists Pachkuny" entrenched as the most well-known manufacturer of mass low-tech of modern art in the Russian Federation. In order to confirm its position as such, Artel, whose members are mainly based in Lipetsk, prepared a new exhibit - a sort of summer outreach tour to mark the 50th anniversary of the founder and leader of Artel Yuri N. Tatianina. The exposition will be presented to the memorial section which includes self-portraits of the Tatianina made them a 20-year career, his portraits created by members of the Artel, as well as several of his paintings, selected members of the Artel on the principle of Greatest hits. However, the main section of the exhibition includes products made Artel over the past year, for the presentation of which is deployed in the gallery shop. Like any normal shop, it consists of units: book products, summer dresses, beach towels and other objects of contemporary culture. All the works presented in the store reflect the current events of national and international stories of recent years. Members of the union organizers guarantee a discount!

Source: Press Release Gallery pop /off /art

Source: Press Release Gallery pop /off /art
Source: Press Release Gallery pop /off /art

Source: Press Release Gallery pop /off /art

Source : Press Release Gallery pop /off /art

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