Art Investment

Rostan Tavasiev: "It's complicated"

Today MAMM an exhibition of abstract characters Rostand Tavasieva. Among the heroes of the exhibition - Green Cube, Down Purple, Divine Breeze, Vinci Construction, etc.

Multimedia Art Museum,
July 19 - September 8, 2013
st. Ostozhenka, 16

in the Multimedia Art Museum exhibition opens today Rostand Tavasieva «It's complicated." The exhibition features some abstract objects that have accounts in social networks. Exhibits enter into correspondence with each other, discuss how their own artistic strengths and weaknesses, as well as more general topics. The visitors of the exhibition - the users of social networks have a rare opportunity to not only see, but also to communicate with the object of contemporary art directly, without intermediaries.

Rostand Tawas There Purple
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Rostand Tawas Ball Lightning
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Alexander Dashevsky about the project," It's Complicated ":" Love is the creation of the characters, allusions, theatrical, attitude towards art as a game typical of Tavasieva Rostand, in common with domestic conceptualism. Rostan, like his predecessors, likes to hide in his own work, to put the viewer in the wrong direction, to provide a good portion of the statement of ambivalence.

One important fact to Rostand - the boundary between art and life, art, and virtual reality. Trying to move these boundaries made in the "It's complicated".

moment when the creature-products become the focus of the audience, is the beginning of their virtual life. You can meet them, not only in the showroom, but also in social networks. At the opening of the exhibition is connected to the body-and-soul of the character's account. , An active self-identification and self-presentation. Viewers can communicate directly with objects on-line. From opening day until finisazha sculptures move, intriguing, flirting with the audience and staff gallery, snapping back at the events of the current cultural life, gossiping, build each other and the surrounding plots, probe the possible buyers, try to arrange (or predict) their fate. The artist creates a miniature version of the contemporary art world. Its inhabitants are suddenly awakened in the middle and in the name of the show in which you want to find your place, your way of participation or non-participation. However, the world has a shelf life. What will happen to those who, in the thunder and lightning zashlakovyvaet information space, who are trying to catch up with the modern steam engine and take it a comfortable place? This question is asked by the characters show.

author says that in front of us, "... the repetition of laboratory experience Pygmalion." However, it is not so much interested in the revival of his creatures as complex relationships and influences that arise from their threefold presence - in the form of a physical thing, as a work of art in the form of a virtual personality ».

Rostand Tawas
Source: ​​
Rostan Tavasiev
Rostand Tawas
Source: ​​

Accounts characters:

Cube Green

There Purple

Full Thought

Divine Breeze

Design Vinci

Ball Lightning

Hidden Hikkimori

Source : press release MAMM

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