Art Investment

"I keep this city ...". Leningrad in the works of artists of the 1920s and 40s

The exhibition in the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg are more than 100 paintings from museums and private collections. Most of the landscapes written by members of the Leningrad Union "Circle of Artists"

RUSAKOV AI Kirov island. 1935
Oil on canvas. 60 x 79,5
Source: Art Gallery "K-Gallery»

knots VV Moika . 1930
Oil on canvas. 68,5 x 90,5
Source: Art Gallery "K-Gallery»

PROSHKIN VN Prospect of Maxim Gorky. 1959
PROSHKIN VN Prospect Maxim Gorky. 1959
Oil on canvas. 44 x 52
Source: Art Gallery "K-Gallery»

GMI St. Petersburg (Rumyantsev Mansion), May 30 - November 4, 2013
St. Petersburg, Promenade des Anglais, 44

in the Rumyantsev Mansion opened the exhibition "I keep this city ..." brings together more than 100 paintings works from the collection of the State Museum of St. Petersburg, the Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh", Anna Akhmatova Museum, Art Gallery collection "K-Gallery» and private collections. This chamber cityscapes, depicting the Leningrad 1920-40-ies. The authors of landscapes - painters, mostly were part of the Leningrad Art Association «Circle of Artists» .

«Circle of Artists" (1926-1932) was created by alumni VHUTEINa. Over the years, the participants were such famous artists as A. S. Vedernikov , D. Emelyanov , D. E. Zagoskin , B. E. Kaplyansky , V. Merchants , Nemenov , B. I. Malagis , S. Mogilev , P. A. Osolodkov , B. Pakoulin , A. F. Pakhomov , A. I. Poret , Venerable P. , A. I. Rusakov , N. Samohvalov , G. N. Traugott , A. Chugunov and others. Painters union tried to find a new pictorial language, in tune with massive social changes that have occurred in post-revolutionary Russia. In many ways, "the Circle" laid the foundations of a new aesthetic realism. The declaration of association were calls for the collectivity in the works.

In 1932, the "Circle of Artists" has been dissolved (after the decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B) "On the Restructuring of Literary and Artistic Organizations"). Most of its members were a part formed in 1932 Leningrad Union of Soviet Artists. The fate of "the Circle" have developed differently. D. Emelyanov died in Stalin's camps in the late 1930s. During the Great Patriotic War and the Siege of Leningrad died Vladimir V. Grinberg , D. E. Zagoskin , F. I. Zaryans , N. F. Lapshin , P. A. Osolodkov , B. B. Sukov , A. Chugunov . Other artists who survived the war and blockade, became famous artists, representing the Leningrad school of art of the twentieth century.

The exhibition at the Rumyantsev Mansion are cityscapes - undress kinds of Leningrad: Moika, Kryukov Canal, Canal Griboyedov in Kolomna , lanes with flea market and coal storage, the old town and village industrial Neva with steamships, new areas with buildings under construction, etc. In these landscapes familiar and unfamiliar corners of Leningrad 1920-40-ies appear before the audience at different times of the year and in different times of day.

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