Art Investment

Russia and the Netherlands. The interaction space

Today in the History Museum opens exhibition on relations between the two countries in the mid XVI - the first third of the XIX century. About 400 artifacts from 14 museums, archives and libraries in Russia and 13 - the Netherlands, as well as from three


State History Museum
June 18 - September 16, 2013
Moscow, Revolution Square, 2/3

tonight at the State Historical Museum presents "Russia and Holland. The interaction space. The middle of the XVI - first third of the XIX century. ».

international exhibition project dedicated to the cross, the Netherlands and Russia, and talks about the bright pages in the history of relations between the two peoples and states. By the middle of the XVI century, include the first intensive contacts between the two countries, and in the first third of the XIX century, after the liberation of the Netherlands in 1813 the Russian army against Napoleon's forces were created Kingdom of the Netherlands.

exhibition tells on trade and diplomatic contacts between the two countries, Arctic navigation Dutch and Russian in the XVI - XVII centuries of the interaction in the field of cartography, of Dutch professionals and entrepreneurs in the service of Russia, the birth of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as well as the marriage of William of Orange and Grand Duchess Anna Pavlovna RELATED two dynasties.

Total billed about 400 exhibits from 14 state museums, archives and libraries in Russia and 13 - the Netherlands, as well as from three private collections.

In the complex and diverse exposure special place is given to the maps and atlases. Among them, the "Atlas of the World" in 1671, which belonged to the teacher I Peter N. Zotov, "Map of the Nordic countries," engraved brothers Johan and Lucas Detekumami late 1560s, extant in one instance for the first time shows the entire four-meter Map of the Russian Empire, made at the beginning of the XIX century the Dutchman in the Russian service PK Suhtelenom.

interesting portraits of Dutch and Russian leaders, diplomats, merchants, travelers, Dutch specialists in Russian service, Dutch figure of King Muscovy Michael's album of the XVII century, the paintings with scenes of Peter's stay in Amsterdam during the Great Embassy, ​​rarely imported to Russia.

Exhibited pictures and models of military and commercial ships , navigation and optical instruments, clothing peoples of Siberia, which met on his way to China Dutch merchant Izbrant Ides, and a costume of Peter I, the Dutch made out of fabric.

Among the precious relics - diplomatic Documents: congratulation States General of the United Provinces of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich in connection with its accession to the throne, the contract of marriage Grand Duchess Anna Pavlovna and Prince William of Orange in 1816, the certificate issued by the Dutch master, GK Paul Peter I in 1698 after his work in the shipyards of the East India Company, autographs of Peter Alexeyevich. Decorating section "Diplomatic ties" - the Dutch government embassy gifts to Russian Tsars.

imagine what life was the Dutch who lived in Russia, will help to furniture, kitchenware, toys, as well as images of interiors of the house doctor Nicolaas Bidloo made by him. About the visit of Russian in the Netherlands in 1813 to remind the painting "The entry of the Cossacks in Utrecht in 1813" and a marble memorial plaque on the visit by Emperor Alexander I, the Amsterdam Stock Exchange in 1814.

core of the exhibition are exhibits of the Museum of History. The lead partner and project coordinator with the Dutch side - Zuider Zee Museum of the small town of Enkhuizen, two residents whose Lucas Yanszon Vageneer and Jan van Hyuygen Linskhoten, wrote in the XVI century the brightest pages in the history of the Baltic and the North of navigation: first published in his atlas maps of the Baltic Sea and the White Sea, and the second was a member of two expeditions of Willem Barents, and gave them the description.

Source: Press Release State Historical Museum

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