Art Investment

"Danae" Vadim Zakharov at the 55th Venice Biennale

Project Vadim Zakharov "Danae" is Russia in the 55th International Art Exhibition - Venice Biennale

Giardini, Venice,
June 1 - November 24, 2013

Vadim Vadim Zakharov

Source: Press Release 55 th Venice Biennale

Project Vadim Zakharov «Danae" represents Russia at the 55th International Art Exhibition - Venice Biennale. For the first time in the long history of the pavilion installation by Vadim Zakharov joined the two floors of the building, designed by the famous Russian architect Alexey Alexei Shchusev and open to 1914.

plot installation "Danae" revolves around the Greek myth of Danae, daughter of Acrisius, king of Argos and Eurydice: Acrisius was predicted that he would be killed by the son of his daughter, and he Danae concluded in an underground copper home and put her maid. Zeus, captivated by the beauty of the prisoner, penetrated to her in the form of a shower of gold and impregnated her, she was born the son of Perseus.

Based on the legend created many works of art, and one of the most prominent is Rembrandt's painting of the same name (1636-1647), housed in the Hermitage and has undergone 15 June 1985 attack maniac oblivshego canvas sulfuric acid, and it has made two cuts.

Vadim Zakharov: "In installation we have two points of view - from the top and from the bottom (in the central hall of the pavilion square cut through a huge hole in the lower exhibition space, which is built around the altar barrier with pads for the knees). Dropping to his knees and looking down, we can see and feel that witnessing a unique process of materialization of myth. Through a huge hole in the floor, we find ourselves in a different sense and poetic space, where, and fly with a pyramidal ceiling "gold coins." Below we see women with umbrellas, which protect them from painful blows coins. Lower Hall are allowed to visit only to women. There's no sexism - just follow the "logic of the anatomical structure of the" myth. Men gets inside only from the top, in the form of cash rain. The lower level of the pavilion - a "cave-womb" still preserves the peace, knowledge and memory ».

coins for the" golden rain "and the conveyor, lifting them were specially designed with Vadim Zakharov Design Bureau Jorg Shildbaha (Germany).

«Currency One Danae - a sign of personal responsibility of the artist for his presence on the art scene, and beyond. This is the currency of the artist, guaranteed his word of honor. On the coin stamped simple, memorable words, "love", "togetherness", "freedom", "the truth." Every woman entering the cave, at the request of the author collects some coins and when you exit throws a bucket ", - says Vadim Zakharov.

the first time in the history of the Russian Pavilion exhibition it was prepared to foreign curator - Udo Kittelmanom, director of the National Gallery of the Berlin State Museums.

the eve of the opening of the exhibition Kittelmann said: "I am very pleased responsibility entrusted to me, and at the same time a difficult task - to oversee the exhibition Vadim Zakharov at the Pavilion Russia. I supervise national pavilion second time in 2001 in the German Pavilion I organized an exhibition of German artist Gregor Schneider. In this case, between these cases there is a big difference. Then I chose an artist who seemed to me the most interesting for the show at the Venice Biennale. Now, Vadim Zakharov suggested to the curator himself, which knows that the person from the moment of their long meeting at the end of the 1980s, considers it one of the most significant artists of the world ».

Joint Vadim Zakharov's work and Udo Kittelmann and project architect Foggenraytera Mayer (Germany) has led to the creation of a unique project. Kittelmann says of him: "The myth of Danae, from antiquity to the present day constantly bytuyuschy in art, is a new interpretation of the work of Vadim Zakharov, represented Russia at the Pavilion. Greek myth of Danae divine fertilization can be read in different ways: the golden rain as a metaphor for seduction of Danae refers to the allegory of human passions and desires, but at the same time is an allegory of the corrupting power of money. In his installation gives Zakharov ancient myth modern temporal dimension. Philosophical, sexual, psychological, and cultural fragments come together in a theatrical composition that takes all the rooms of the pavilion. Sculptural, pictorial, performative elements create a cycle of material things (coins, hulls of nuts, rose petals and its viewers). This "performance in five acts," Zakharov shows the significance of mythological embodiment of a society that no longer feeds them any credence.

... it's time for us to confess to rudeness,
lust, narcissism, demagoguery,
hypocrisy, greed, banality, cynicism,
robbery, speculation, extravagance,
gluttony, temptation, jealousy and stupidity ».

Stella Kesaeva commissioner of the pavilion:" Inviting Vadim Zakharov represent Russia at the Venice Biennale, I came from the fact that today it is one of the most significant artists of our country. But I could not imagine that the project "Danae" will reopen for a talent Vadim Zakharov. I understand how it was important teamwork is not just a great curator, but also his good friend Udo Kittelmanom. Joining forces always gives a great result. I am pleased that our project was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and hope for its success in Venice ».

The exhibition illustrated catalog, edited by Udo Kittelmann, published by Hatje Cantz (Germany ). It includes texts by Vadim Zakharov and curator of the Metropolitan Museum (New York) Nicholas Cullinan, preface Stella Kesaevoy, two conversations artist and curator, recorded in 2005 and 2013, as well as the "Glossary" - a kind of guide to the exhibition, compiled by Udo Kittelmanom .

Vadim Zakharov was born in Dushanbe in 1959, lives and works in Berlin and Moscow. Artist, editor, collector and archivist of the Moscow conceptual school. Since 1978 he has participated in exhibitions of unofficial art, has collaborated with many artists, among them Victor Skersis, Anoufriev , Andrew Monastery , Yuri Leiderman , since 2009 together with Niklas Nitschke. In the years 1982-1983 Zakharov took part in the gallery "Apt-art", Moscow. Since 1992 - the publisher of the anthology "Pastor" and founder Pastor Zond Edition. In 2006, together with E. Tar was the originator of the so-called "Golden Book of Moscow conceptualism", and in 2008 initiated the launch of the site "Moscow Conceptualism submitted Vadim Zakharov» ( ). The author of "Monument to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Theodor Adorno," established in 2003 in Frankfurt-am-Main.

Source : Press Release 55 Venice Biennale

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