Art Investment

In Pushkin Museum show "Mark the Evangelist" by Frans Hals the Elder

In the Pushkin Museum, an exhibition of one painting - by the Dutch master Frans Hals the Elder (1582-1666) "Mark the Evangelist" from the London gallery Johnny van Haeften

Pushkin Museum. Pushkin, April 30 - July 28, 2013
st. Volhonka, 12

Frans Hals SENIOR
Mark the Evangelist

Pushkin Museum. Pushkin is unfamiliar to the general public painting "Mark the Evangelist" brush outstanding Dutch master Frans Hals the Elder (1582-1666), who shot to fame thanks to the large group portraits of members of the infantry companies and regents hospitals. The popularity enjoyed by his portraits of burghers of Haarlem, in which the absolute similarity combined with extraordinary freedom of brushwork, the dynamics of composite solutions and coloristic subtlety of colors.

Image of the four evangelists was not typical of Harlem master but at the same time there was random. In a triumph of Protestantism, the images of these saints could have been written for the private chapel of one of the burghers of Haarlem, a traditional supporter of the Catholic faith (in the Netherlands, it is not forbidden). On the other hand, the image of evangelists were also quite popular among Protestants, who saw them as the personification of God's Word, and in the moral and didactic purposes such images could decorate a room or library.

known that in the second half of the XVIII century, the painting was in several private collections in the Netherlands. Later, in 1773 a series of "evangelicals" Frans Hals was wholly acquired by Catherine II for the collection of the Imperial Hermitage. But in 1812, by decree of Alexander I «evangelists" among other works were transferred to the Tauride for the decoration of churches. Until the beginning of XX century paintings were considered lost. In 1959, two other paintings cycle - "St. Luke "and" St. Matthew "- were found in the funds in the Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art at the State Hermitage Museum Irina Linnik. Based on a thorough stylistic analysis and study of data from the archives of the Hermitage, auction catalogs XVIII century, researchers have shown that the images are the work of the evangelists are not anonymous Russian artist of the XIX century, as it was written in the museum documentation, and the creations of the great Dutch painter of XVII century. Establishing ownership of these paintings by Hals can be attributed to the most outstanding achievements of the science of the art of the XX century. These legendary paintings have been exhibited in the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin, the last time in the summer of 2012 as part of the exhibition "The Return" of St. Luke. " Western European paintings VI - XVIII centuries of museums in Ukraine ».

Two other paintings in this series were considered lost until 1972, when a German art historian, author of a monograph on the work of Frans Hals, Dr. Klaus Grimm published acquired shortly before and refurbished canvas "Mark the Evangelist," which matched the size and style of execution of the works of Odessa. Finally, in 1997 at Sotheby's in London was exhibited missing fourth picture in the series - "St. John the Evangelist, "which was purchased for the J. Paul Getty Museum in Malibu (California, USA).

history paintings" Mark the Evangelist "in comparison with the stories of three other paintings in this series the most dramatic. At a London auction in October 1972, was put up for sale "Portrait of a Bearded Man," which was attributed to Italian artist Luca Giordano. On the canvas was presented to an elderly man with a beard, dressed in the fashion of the middle of the XVII century in a dark suit with a white collar and large cuffs. Dr. Klaus Grimm, revealing an undeniable resemblance manners images of the head and hands of the character with the published at the time of the paintings Odessa, made a chemical analysis of colorful pigments. The samples were taken from ten different places of the picture. The results clearly showed that all the pigments used in the writing of the face, arms, background, costume (besides the collar and cuffs), are consistent with materials used by painters of the XVII century. However, analysis of the pigments from the image collar and cuffs showed that they have started to use only in the XIX century. And different binders were in one case it was linseed oil, another - egg yolk. Restoration has shown that the suit that matches the fashion of the 1640s, written on top of a rough coat, and left open the image of the head of a lion - attribute the Evangelist Mark. Perhaps the picture is not typical for the artist on the subject, subsequent owners wanted to do more "halsovskoy", turning it into a portrait.

Painting "Mark the Evangelist", created by the master during the second half of the 1620s years, has been returned to the world through joint efforts of experienced experts, art historians and restorers. It showcases the unique performance style, which combined with the earthy realism underscored image Evangelist Mark is very characteristic of the best works of artist of the second half of the 1620s.

exhibition of paintings by Frans Hals, "Mark the Evangelist" who kindly provided for the exhibition in the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin London gallery Johnny van Haeften - a real gift not only for professionals but also for all art lovers.


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