Art Investment

Exhibition for the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty in the Russian Museum

The State Russian Museum opened an exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. More than 150 works of painting, sculpture, graphics, decorative arts and numismatics from the collection of the State Russian Museum

timing, 4 April - mid June 2013
St. Petersburg, St. Michael Castle

The last time the anniversary was celebrated as the Romanov national holiday in 1913. After the October Revolution, the value of this epoch-making event that ended the era of the Time of Troubles, usually ignored or distorted. In 2013, the foundation of the house of Romanov March 14, 1613 was again a significant date.

the State Russian Museum opened the exhibition "400 years of the Romanov dynasty." Exposure of more than 150 paintings, sculptures, drawings, decorative arts and coins from the collection of the Russian Museum.

peculiar motto of the exhibition - the monumental canvas GI Ugryumova "Vocation in the kingdom Mikhail Romanov" - made in 1799 for the Mikhailovsky Castle. It captures the moment from which emerged a new imperial dynasty. The exhibition features drawings, dedicated to this significant historical event, as well as paintings and sculptural portraits of the imperial family made L. Caravaca, G. Odolskim, F. Shubin , S. Torelli, C. Shchukin , Doe , M. Antokolsky and other masters of XVIII - beginning of XX century, and lists of "albums of drawings, executed by artists during the Sacred Coronation 1896».

portrait of the heir Alexei. 1911
oil on canvas
Jean-Henri Benner Portrait of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. 1821 Jean-Henri Benner
Portrait of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. 1821
miniature, paper on the metal plate, watercolor, gouache


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