Art Investment

The story of the era. Photos of Princess Anne Marie Borghese

In the Cultural Foundation "Ekaterina", an exhibition of Italian photography abroad XIX - XX centuries from the album Princess Anna Maria de Ferrari (1874-1924), wife of Scipione Borghese

Cultural Foundation "Ekaterina", March 15 - May 12, 2013
st. Kuznetsk Bridge, 21/5,
entrance № 8, entrance from the street. B. Lubyanka

in the Cultural Foundation "Ekaterina" in the Photo Biennale "Fashion and Style in Photography" exhibition "The Story of the era. Photos of Princess Anne Marie Borghese. 1898-1924 ».

Photo Archive Italian twentieth century added a new source - photo albums Princess Anna Maria de Ferrari (Montallegro, 1874 - Garda Island, 1924), the wife of Scipione Borghese (Migliarino, 1871 - Florence, 1927), traveler, explorer, mountaineer, diplomat and politician, is elected Italian Parliament (1904-1908), a man, entered the annals of gossip and news reporting period as a crew commander, triumphantly led the famous "Italy" to finish the rally Beijing - Paris 1907.

Anna Maria Borghese
Nora Baltsani. Isle of Garda. 1907
Modern digital printing
From the collection of Novello Kavatsi, Rome
Source: ​​
Anna Maria Borghese
August 1898. Journey to Turkey. 1898
Modern digital printing. From the collection of Novello Kavatsi, Rome
Source: ​​

These albums so far no one and never published. They are carefully preserved in the family archives. Housing has pictures 8000 pictures. They all chronologically systematically have the date and the required annotation, placed itself princess. She is the author of almost all photos, except for a few taken, probably her husband Scipio. The materials are very interesting with its freshness, freedom, ease of composition, nepostanovochnostyu. Pictures taken amateur small format camera, "Kodak" in 1898 (№ 2 Bulls-Eye Special, Format 3 ½ x 3 ½ inches). They read insatiable curiosity, and not one myself, but to any and all others, before whom her and her husband in their action-packed adventure was incalculably (it is Russia, Turkey, Egypt, Persia, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, China, Japan). They sound honest author's attitude to himself and his time. World War Princess, enrolled nurse, watched almost from the forward positions. Pictures, sometimes straight, even unsophisticated dispassionately documenting. Sometimes quite dramatic, as the earthquake in Avezzano in 1915 and the reconstruction of Messina (1913) after the earthquake that destroyed the city in 1908.

Anna Maria Borghese
Island Lake Garda. 1906
Modern digital printing
From the collection of Novello Kavatsi, Rome
Source: ​​
Anna Maria Borghese
Marmara Sea. Journey to Turkey. 1898
Modern digital printing. From the collection of Novello Kavatsi, Rome
Source: ​​
Anna Maria Borghese
Bridge to Yamada. Yamada. 1907
Modern digital printing
From the collection of Novello Kavatsi, Rome
Source: ​​
Anna Maria Borghese
Bois de Boulogne. Paris. 1900-1902
Modern digital printing. From the collection of Novello Kavatsi, Rome
Source: ​​

personal opinion, looking at things aristocratic, very personal, tonally similar to the works of her famous contemporaries Francesco Chigi or brothers Dzuzeppe Primoli and Luigi, a recognized authority in the stories by courtesy of the Italian capital. Valuable evidence of the era in which the home blends intimacy story about figures and events with the ability to scale family, mature, emotionally rich, to capture in photographs persons, situations, and events of the obvious public response.

Material undeniable historical and historical photographic value, as often happens with the famous "amateurs", so rich in meanings that unwittingly beyond the scope of privacy and very close to photojournalism.

Source : press release Mamma

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