French classics photos in Mamma
In the Multimedia Art Museum opened the exhibition "It's Paris! Modernism in photography. 1920-1950. From the collection of Christian Bukre "featuring works of Brassaï, Bunuel, Cartier-Bresson, Leger, Man Ray and others
Mammo, February 21 - May 26, 2013
st. Ostozhenka, 16
in the Multimedia Art Museum opened the exhibition "It's Paris! Modernism in photography. 1920-1950. From the collection of Christian Bukre ", which presents 230 photos of the unique collections of photographs Bukre Christian (Christian Bouqueret) acquired by the Centre Pompidou in 2011. The exhibition is part of the Biennale "Fashion and Style in Photography».
Germaine Krull. © Estate Germaine Krull, Muserum Folkwang, Essen. Development of advertising for Paul Poiret, 1926. Work acquired from the collection of Yves Rocher Christian Bukre to the Centre Pompidou, 2011. Collection of the Centre Pompidou, Paris. National Museum of Modern Art - Centre of industrial creativity Source: | Daniel Masclee . © Succession Daniel Masclet. Gloomy beauty. Approx. 1926. Work acquired from the collection of Yves Rocher Christian Bukre to the Centre Pompidou, 2011 Collection of the Centre Pompidou, Paris. National Museum of Modern Art - Centre of industrial creativity Source: |
Bukre collection, with more than 7000 exhibits, is not only the work of world stars pictures it also opens up a whole galaxy of previously unknown artists. In addition, a significant part of the collection of the authors do not consider myself a professional photographer. Works of Brassaï, Luis Buñuel, Henri Cartier-Bresson, André Kertész, Germaine Krull, André Steiner, Rene Clair, Fernand Leger, Dora Maar, Man Ray, Jean Moran, Rene Zuber and Pierre Jamet are extensive and varied panorama of French Photography between the two world wars.
![]() Jean Moral. © Brigitte Moral SAIF Paris. Bubi. Approx. 1929 Work acquired from the collection of Yves Rocher Christian Bukre to the Centre Pompidou, 2011. Collection of the Centre Pompidou, Paris. National Museum of Modern Art - Centre of industrial creativity Source: | ![]() Dora Maar (born Henriette Theodora Markovitch). © Adagp, Paris /RW. Assiah. 1934. Work acquired from the collection of Yves Rocher Christian Bukre to the Centre Pompidou, 2011. Collection of the Centre Pompidou, Paris. National Museum of Modern Art - Centre of industrial creativity Source: |
At this time in Paris, becoming a haven for many artists and photographers, was the crossroad artistic life. The French capital has attracted the most talented members of the international art scene: the Americans, Germans, Hungarians and others. Together with the French photographer in Paris they made a multinational cultural center, for which established a cult of Mecca of world fashion and style. American writer Gertrude Stein in Paris called "the place where you want to be».
![]() Willy Kessels. © Adagp, Paris /RW. Self Portrait 1932. Work acquired from the collection of Yves Rocher Christian Bukre to the Centre Pompidou, 2011. Collection of the Centre Pompidou, Paris. National Museum of Modern Art - Centre of industrial creativity Source: | ![]() Erwin Blumenfeld. © The Estate of Erwin Blumenfeld Portrait Mannino Jouffroy. Work acquired from the collection of Yves Rocher Christian Bukre to the Centre Pompidou, 2011. Collection of the Centre Pompidou, Paris State Museum of Contemporary Art - Art Center industrial Source: |
fotomodernizm Paris did not have any uniformity or sequence. Rather than feel like a single entity, it was divided into separate parts and individual interests. In the capital, met, mingled, influenced each other individuals. Man Ray admitted that he was in New York in the early 1920s, burning with the desire to go to Paris. Marianne Breslauer recalled: "... I think that every young person there somewhere paradise. For me, as for many others at the time, such a place, of course, was in Paris. " Brassai Young wrote to his parents: "Paris is the only city that fits me».
Man Ray (born Emmanuel Radnitsky). © Man Ray Trust /Adagp, Paris. Lampshade. Approx. 1925. Work acquired from the collection of Yves Rocher Christian Bukre to the Centre Pompidou, 2011. Collection of the Centre Pompidou, Paris. National Museum of Modern Art - Centre of industrial creativity Source: | ![]() Germaine Krull. © Estate Germaine Krull, Muserum Folkwang, Essen Self-portrait with camera Ikarette. 1925 printout pasted on cardboard. Work acquired from the collection of Yves Rocher Christian Bukre to the Centre Pompidou, 2011. Collection of the Centre Pompidou, Paris State Museum of Contemporary Art - Art Center industrial Source: |
addition to the" star "of the authors, Bukre collection is valuable, which is a unique study of changing aesthetic paradigms. Represented a wide range of flows to recreate the architectural portrait of the city, the appearance of people and the overall image of the era. The exhibition, created for the Moscow Biennale, is a new way of Paris 1920-50's, seen through the lens of both the aesthetics of surrealism and modernism and the camera lens photojournalist.
exhibit starts surrealists, who worked in Paris in the early 1920s. The following sections are devoted to social theme, which became acute after the 1929 crisis, sequential shooting, the flourishing of modernism and, finally, a conscious rejection of Photographers from the "new vision" for the Surrealists and their appeal to the classic photography.
Collection Christian Bukre an important contribution to the fund of the National Center of Art and Culture Georges Pompidou, with whom the Multimedia Art Museum has long-standing relationships. Exhibition in Moscow - the first foreign exhibition collection after its official launch in Paris.
Source : press release Mamma
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