Art Investment

Yuri Kalyuta: "Red and Black"

Today, the Academy of Arts opened a personal exhibition of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts Jury Kalyuta

Arts, February 5 - March 10, 2013
st. Prechistenka, 19

Today the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts, a solo exhibition of the artist Yuri Kalyuta "Red and Black". The exhibition, presented in the halls of the Art Gallery, includes about 100 paintings and drawings from the artist's studio and private collections.

On Exhibition textured paintings are combined with pastel versions of these same canvases and drawings that accompanied their creation, drawings often executed in mixed media, seamlessly connecting the charcoal and chalk, sepia and sanguine. The artist continues the tradition of Renaissance masters.

«This realistic art is always in motion, always in search of new forms, only this search need not be an end in itself ..." - says of his work Yuri himself Kalyuta.

special attachment to the genre of the portrait of the artist is marked by all the researchers of his work, his portraits Yu Kalyuta seen tremendous influence direct teacher at the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after Ilya Repin, the famous artist Andrew Mylnikova . From him - underlined attention to the spiritual world portrayed personality, ability to accurately convey the appearance of the model, sincere admiration of the artist in front of faces and figures portrayed. Their creative idols Kalyuta calls Velazquez and Rembrandt, and Petrov-Vodkin , the wonderful wizard of Romanian Corneliu Baba, whose exhibition, seen twenty years ago, to this day, according to the artist, stands in front of him . Yuri Kalyuta particularly appreciates "careful attention to the man, and certainly innovative features that each of these authors contributed to the development of portraiture».

YURI Kalyuta
Forward, Russia! 2012
canvas. 160 x 80
Source: press release of Arts
YuRY YURI Kalyuta
Dream New Year's Eve. Self-portrait. 2010
canvas. 180 x 200
Source: press release of Arts

« Yuri Kalyuta - formed master painting, continuing the tradition of the national school. Multifaceted, spiritually rich creative personality - he managed to find his way in art. He created a lot of deep, interesting and expressive works in various genres. Painter travels constantly. He sees the world active, dynamic and very individual. Yuri Kalyuta - minded artist with a high creative potential »( Ephraim Zverkov ).

YURI Kalyuta The Mirror. 2004 YURI Kalyuta
The Mirror. 2004
canvas. 180 x 120
Source: press release of Arts

« Portrait - a difficult but noble genre. It is gratifying to know that in our time live authentic knights portraiture.

Vigilance look, freshness of color, brush virtuoso ease and poetic soul, - Yuri Kalyuta makes love his painting, because he really loves art, nature and people. Yuri Kalyuta lives in harmony with his talent and his heart. What else can dream of an artist? » (Sergei Goryaev).

Source : press release of Arts

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