Art Investment

"Jake and Dinos Chapman. End of fun "at the Hermitage

The State Hermitage Museum (the General Staff Building) opened an exhibition of two prominent representatives of the "Young British Artists" - the brothers Jake and Dinos Chapman

State Hermitage Museum, October 20, 2012 - January 13, 2013
St. Petersburg , the General Staff, 4th Floor

The Hermitage Exhibition "Jake and Dinos Chapman. End of fun. " The exposition is located in the restored rooms of the first stage of the Eastern Wing of the General Staff.

brothers Jake (born 1966) and Dinos (b. 1962) Chapman - British artists, the members of the "Young British Artists" (YBA, Young British Artists). In 2003, nominated for the Turner Prize. The exhibition presents the work of "The End of fun," "hurt, hurt, to injure," "The horrors of war».

central work "The End of Fun" is a three-dimensional collage composed of miniature plastic figurines placed in nine glass cases. Shop windows are located in the space of the room so that the top of their overall shape resembles a swastika. In the windows of a single deployed landscape of hell, in which the Nazis with brutal cruelty constantly killing each other. According to the artist, the work captures just one moment: everything that happens behind the glass is made in the same time. Like the old archivists Kunstkammer, Chapman brothers 'locked' into the capsule self-enjoyment fascist barbarism. Placing cruelty sealed museum showcases, dioramas, artists seeking to heal from her society. "Chepmenovskie figures give us back the horrors of war and the feeling that the war are not just winning. It's time to remind about it ", - said Mikhail Piotrovsky, Director General of the State Hermitage.

Jake and Dinos Chapman
The end of fun. 2010
© artists
Photo: Hugh Glendinning
Source: hermitagemuseum . org
Jake and Dinos Chapman
The end of fun. 2010
© artists
Photo: Hugh Glendinning

Presented at exhibition brings together works of Chapman brothers genre of "the scourge of war", first announced in the art in the famous eponymous series of etchings by Francisco Goya (1746-1828). Graphic series Jake and Dinos Chapman "Horrors of War" into dialogue with the outstanding work of the Spanish schedule. Chapman "dorisovyvaet" Goya, complementing his images of modern history, masking cruelty under the bright masks consumer society. For contemporary artists Goya is one of the founders of modernism. "" The Disasters of War "Goya - the standard human" inhumanity to man ", they show us the worst levels of human cruelty. Looking at these works, the viewer is required to read them as they are. But what to do when severe way beyond all possible limits? "- Say Jake and Dinos Chapman. In the collection of the State Hermitage of Francisco Goya, which perfectly complement the exhibition in the General Staff.

Jake and Dinos Chapman
Disasters of War III. 2000
Portfolio eighty-three hand-colored engravings with watercolor artists
Photo: Stephen White

Jake and Dinos Chapman
Disasters of War III. 2000
Portfolio eighty-three hand-colored engravings with watercolor artists
Photo: Stephen White


Creativity brothers Jake and Dinos Chapman is one of the most relevant manifestations of Western contemporary art. Ambiguous and provocative artists, Jake and Dinos Chapman offering viewers to think again about the eternal human values ​​expressed in the language of modern art. C apparent ease Jake and Dinos Chapman take up the study of these difficult and important in modern society so as tolerance, taboo, conformism. Creativity Chapman is symptomatic of modern society, accustomed to displace inconvenient for some reason or another questions. Jake and Dinos Chapman offer no solutions and do not call to the barricades. Art is not interested in them as a political weapon. According to the artist, the society at its present stage of development worthy to accept everything that happens with humor.

work of Jake and Dinos Chapman "four heads", made in 1997, is in the collection of the State Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow.

Curator - Dmitry Y. Ozerkov, head of the Department of Contemporary Art at the State Hermitage Museum, PhD. The exhibition is accompanied by a fully illustrated catalog, which the author - Dmitry Ozerkov.

tour "Jake and Dinos Chapman. End of fun "is not recommended for people under 18 years old.


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