Art Investment

The "Golden Age" of the English court: from Henry VIII to Charles I

In the Moscow Kremlin Museums opened an exhibition devoted to the brightest period in the history of England: Tudor and early Stuart

Moscow Kremlin
October 24, 2012 - January 27, 2013

In the exhibition hall of the Assumption Belfry and One-Pillar Chamber of the Patriarch's Palace of the Moscow Kremlin Exhibition "Golden Age" of the English court, from Henry VIII to Charles I.

The exhibition is dedicated to the brilliant period in the history of England - Tudor and early Stuart, who played a crucial role in the development of English nationhood, culture and national identity. This era is considered the "golden age" of British culture.

chronological framework of the exhibition include XVI - first half of the XVII century, the period when the Renaissance courtyard, formed under Henry VII and Henry VIII Tudor, became one of the main centers of culture. His many and intense cultural life reached its zenith during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, and finally the mature forms found in James I and Charles I Stuart. Formal portraits of these remarkable monarchs are worthy decoration exhibition in the Moscow Kremlin Museums.

exhibition presents the English monarchs as tastemakers, patrons and collectors, defining the artistic tastes of the time, talks about the evolution of style in the fine and decorative arts, costume courtly and architectural design of the royal residences.

In mid XVII century in England was a revolution. Many works of art, are the pride of the royal collections were sold, melted down or disappeared, and only rare "reflections" refined elite culture survived these dramatic events. The more valuable to the Russian public to see at the show rare historic treasures that have survived to the present day.

The exhibition features masterpieces of court art from the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Royal Collection, Royal Armouries, History Museum of London, National Portrait Gallery, the National Maritime Museum (Greenwich), the Royal Institute of British Architects, the Honourable Company gunsmiths and coppersmiths, private collections.

Bull and Gryphon Deykrov kind. Cumbria. 1507-1525
Oak, carving, gilding, the banner of tinned copper
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
The memorial plate in honor of Queen Elizabeth I, London, Aldgate. 1600
memorial plate in honor of Queen Elizabeth I
London, Aldgate. 1600
Master Jasper Andries and Jacob Jansen
Delft pottery, tin glaze, blue, ocher, yellow, green and manganese pigments

Among them - the heraldic sculpture, ceremonial silver, jewelry, antique clocks, ceremonial vessels, elements of interior decoration. Of particular interest is the unique jewelry that survived the era of the Revolution, which is extremely rare. There are only five historical treasures, enjoy the status of a "national treasure." Of these, the exhibition will feature two: the so-called jewel "Barbora" and "Drake" (bearing the names of their owners).

great interest in the exhibition are examples of weapons and firearms, as well as ceremonial armor, quality and exquisite decor which were intended to demonstrate the strength and power of their owners. In this case, special attention should Greenwich armor in 1540, belonged to King Henry VIII, courtesy of the Royal Collection, with the consent of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain.

armor of Henry VIII
Greenwich. Royal gunsmith under Erasmus Kirkenara, 1539
Steel with engraved edge
Courtesy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Royal Collection
Source: kreml. ru

dagger and scabbard
Switzerland. 1592
Steel, wood carving, casting, engraving
Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Visitors are invited to get acquainted with the unique collection of English portrait miniatures XVI - XVII centuries - unusually attractive lyrical portrait by royal top artists, including special place Nicholas Hilliard - Illustrious miniature Elizabethan era.

Portrait of Elizabeth I England. Around 1585-1587
Portrait of Elizabeth I
England. Around 1585-1587, Socket - XVII in.

Nicholas Hilliard cardboard, watercolor, Velenje, frame - vellum frame
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Portrait of Peregrine Bertie England. 1590
Portrait of Peregrine Bertie
England. 1590 Nicholas Hilliard

Watercolor, Velen
Victoria and Albert Museum, London

There are also a tapestry, embroidery, objects of male and female dress, accessories, art prints, rare printed editions of works of court poets and playwrights, including first editions of Shakespeare's so-called " First Folio ».

doublet and breeches
England. 1630-s
quilted silk satin
Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Bradford carpet cloth (detail)
England. Around 1600
Linen canvas, embroidered silk
Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Fine works of Renaissance and Baroque art give an idea of ​​the unique shape and unique "language" of the court culture of the time with its intricate metaphors and symbolism. They create a visible image of the English court XVI - XVII centuries, allowing insight into its ethical and aesthetic ideals, ideas about power and world order, life and death, love and beauty.

Source : press release of the Moscow Kremlin,

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