Art Investment

"Mikhail Shvartsman. Master. School. Students "in the NCCA

Today opens the exhibition, which examines the phenomenon of "art school" in the contemporary art on the example of Mikhail Shvartsman Matveevich (1926-1997) - one of the brightest representatives of the second wave of Russian avant-garde

NCCA, Small Hall, 3-19 August 2012
st . Zoological, 13, page 2

Today at 19:00 presents "Mikhail Shvartsman. Master. School. Students ", organized by the NCCA in conjunction with the State Russian Museum, the Museum Ludwig in the Russian Museum, the Foundation Schwartzman.

The exhibition presents works: Michael Schwartzman , Bashenin , Dmitry Gorokhov, Nikita Medvedev, Dmitry Komissarov, Vladimir Teplukhina, Gennady Spirin, Mikhail Fedorov, Chaschinskogo .

exhibition project examines the phenomenon of "art school" in the contemporary art on the example of Mikhail Shvartsman Matveevich (1926-1997) - famous Russian artist, one of the brightest representatives of the second wave of Russian avant-garde.

In his works, the artist turned to the complex philosophical and religious aspects of life and creating, as he believed, a unique "non-verbal language of the third millennium." In the non-objective structures of his works Schwarzman opened the metamorphosis of the universe. His works he called "Hieratures," and his vision - "ieratizmom", making this term from the Greek hieros - «sacred», «symbolic».

In 1975, Mikhail Shvartsman organized " hieratic school "of painting. The system proposed by Mikhail Shvartsman, probably reflecting the philosophy of art teachers, it deep individual interpretation of the world. A special role in his method of playing a continuous dialogue between master and disciple. The exhibition will give viewers the opportunity to dive into the creative world of schools and to trace the evolution of ideas in art, philosophy Schwartzman of his followers.

during the exhibition 4 September at 19.00, a round table, where, in particular, will be presented published by the Russian Museum catalog « Mikhail Shvartsman. Master. School. Pupils ». The book includes articles that explore the concept of "hieratic art," which defined the essence of the artist's own creativity, rooted in a deeply religious attitude to the world, and the nature of the refractive index of an individual system in the works of the master of his students. The album artwork consists of nine chapters that introduce the works of the artists Michael Schwartzman and his school (V. Bashenin, D. Gorokhov, D. Komissarov, N. Medvedev, Spirin, V. Teplukhin, M. Fedorov, A. Chaschinsky) includes their memories, as well as brief biographical information. In a book published pages from the notebooks Schwartzman 1970-80-ies, which reveal the author's views on the nature of their own creativity, and documentary photographs relating to the history of the school.

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