The iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral of St. Cyril-Belozersky Monastery show in the Kremlin
Kirillov iconostasis of the XV century - the most extensive extant ensembles includes sixty icons, of which only two have been lost. The exhibition showcases all the iconostasis Kirillov
Moscow Kremlin, June 15 - August 26, 2012
Assumption Belfry of the Moscow Kremlin
northern outpost of Muscovy, Cyril-Belozersky monastery was founded in the XIV century saints Cyril, one of the great ascetic followers of Sergius. In 1497 the main church of the monastery, Assumption Cathedral, which was under the special patronage of Grand Duke Ivan III, was decorated with the four-high iconostasis. Compared with the previous monuments is a classic Russian iconostasis, best embodied the main idea - link terrestrial and celestial worlds through the prayer of the saints. It is noteworthy that the extant ensembles Kirillov iconostasis includes icons of sixty, is the most extensive and most complete surviving on the number of icons: lost only two.
icon" About you ... happy. " Around 1497 Tempera on wood Cyril Belozersky Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve Source: | icon of" Christ in Majesty. " Around 1497, the salary - 1542-1543 Tempera on wood Cyril Belozersky Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve Source: |
Amazing feature Cyrillic iconostasis was involved in its creation of artists working in the tradition of Moscow, Rostov and Novgorod schools of icon painting. Not only in style but also in technical methods were very different. However, the level of their skill was such that by working side by side, they have created a remarkably coherent and vibrant ensemble. Unfortunately, history has not brought us names of artists, whose art style does not find a direct analogy to the known art schools of the time and marked by unprecedented beauty of the faces and refined purity of color and pattern.
icon" Archangel Michael ". Around 1497 Tempera on wood Cyril Belozersky Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve Source: | ![]() icon" Archangel Gabriel ". Around 1497 Tempera on wood Cyril Belozersky Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve Source: |
life story and the opening of the iconostasis Cyrillic as unique as his painting. In the XVIII century, the old band was analyzed. After the revolution of the icons were taken to Moscow and Petrograd. Over time, their origin forgotten, and only thanks to the selfless work of the restorer and researcher OV Lelekova, which linked their lives with Cyril-Belozersky Monastery, became known the full composition of this unique monument.
Icon "John the Baptist." Around 1497 Tempera on wood Cyril Belozersky Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve Source: | ![]() icon "Annunciation." Around 1497 Tempera on wood Cyril Belozersky Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve Source: |