Art Investment

Lev Granovsky, "Hephaestus-Vulcan"

Today, the Multimedia Art Museum opens an exhibition of a geologist and amateur photographer Leo Granovsky. This imagery Kilauea volcanoes in Hawaii and in Iceland Eyfyaokudlya and iron plants in Cherepovets

Multimedia Art Museum, May 30 - June 24, 2012
st . Ostozhenka 16

Today in the Multimedia Art Museum as part of the 9th International Month of Photography in Moscow "Biennale 2012" exhibition at Leo Granovsky "Hephaestus-Vulcan."

Granovsky Lion - a geologist, chief of laboratory methods for studying the local agents of Moscow State University, an avid skier and traveler, became interested in photography a few years ago. First, he wanted to capture what he saw on the road and show pictures to friends and colleagues. But the result, "one frame - a single image," it is not always arranged so as not passed any complete picture of natural phenomena, or personal experiences. Came to the aid of modern digital technology. Lev Borisovich began to take a digital camera and from dozens of photographic images to form one.

Granovsky most interested in natural phenomena and beauty, immortalized in the rock - mountains, volcanoes. He worked on the Kamchatka Peninsula, loves and knows the peninsula and its natural features. Once again, there is already a tourist who filmed it interesting material. In August 2008 he took a helicopter to a series of photographs of the eruption of the volcano in Hawaii - a red-hot fiery lava, falling into the ocean in the face with cold water, divided into parts.

« Thirty years ago, Kamchatka volcano erupted Tolbachik. Photos of the eruption made Vadim Gipenreyterom, went around the world. As a geologist, I got to Tolbachik only two years. And twenty-five years envied those who saw the birth of a volcano.

Series" Steel and lava. " 2011-2012
Source: ​​
Series "Steel and lava." 2011-2012
Source: ​​

And here I am with camera in Hawaii I stand at the live streams of lava of the volcano Kilauea. The power, beauty and majesty of the process of acting immediately on my being. Bright melt, from which you can not tear my eyes, threatening rustle of the moving lava, and the smell of burning sulfur. Delight almost lost his head and was thinking hard how to shoot.

A year later, again, Kilauea. The surface of the lava, freezing, covered with a crust of glass. Glass reflects the sky and we see the lights of the river.

Eyfyaokudl then in Iceland. From the bowels of the earth into the air fly sprays lava cools on the fly and fall is in the form of lumps. Some - the size of a small house. Lava flows on the glacier in the clubs couple lavopad falls with a crash into a ravine. Here is the scale and power of volcanism, a great breath of the earth.

Series "Steel and lava." 2011-2012
Source: ​​
Series "Steel and lava." 2011-2012
Source: ​​

After shooting, I started thinking about the eruption of further the plans. Had the idea of ​​comparing the metallurgical and volcanic processes. To this end, I went to the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant. The sight struck me were born. Not enough words to describe what he saw. Maybe the photos will transfer those feelings, which cover at the sight of man-made miracle ».

Granovsky Lion

Source : Press Release Mamma

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