Art Investment

Dresden Gallery marks the 500th anniversary of the "Sistine Madonna," a special exhibition

The exhibition devoted to the history of the legendary masterpiece of Raphael

Dresden Art Gallery of Old Masters, May 26 - August 26, 2012


Dresden Gallery notes quincentenary magnificent "Sistine Madonna," a special exhibition entitled "Sistine Madonna: five hundred years, the legendary masterpiece of Raphael».

Five hundred years ago, Rafael (Raphael) was commissioned to create works that became a symbol of the Renaissance. Anniversary Exhibition of the legendary work is divided into four sections and includes a detailed account of the fate of the work throughout its history.

first part of the exhibition is the "Madonna" in the context of other works by Raphael Roman period, arrivals in Dresden from London and the Vatican, Vienna and Budapest.

The second part is devoted to a rebirth of a masterpiece - his purchase of Elector Augustus in the middle of the XVIII century and the "exit out" at the Dresden Art Gallery, after nearly 250 years of oblivion.

The third section is devoted to the influence of exposure to the world and European culture and its appearance in art, literature, music, photography, which became very noticeable in the 1800s. During this period of reproduction paintings often flashed in magazines, she became a favorite motif embroidery, advertising, cartoons, albums Biedermeier era and the German Empire.

Tells exhibition and an unexpected turn in the fate of when in 1945 it was exported to Russia, then returned to Dresden just 10 years later. And of course, the creators of the exhibition could not ignore the famous pair of angels, which since 1800 is often copied separately and are virtually self-sufficient characters, incredibly popular to this day, and appears today in the clubs, bags, shirts and other souvenirs.

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

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