Art Investment

"The Golden Age of Russian porcelain and glass. 1790-1830. From the Collection of the Museum of History "

In Stock GIM opens an exhibition of unprecedented quality and quantity of items: 600 pieces of porcelain and glass in the style of Classicism and Empire, created in the Russian imperial and private enterprises in the most fruitful period of their work

GIM, May 29 - October 8, 2012
Moscow, Red Square, 1

The State Historical Museum opens the exhibition "The Golden Age of Russian porcelain and glass. 1790-1830. From the Collection of the Museum of History ».

Stock Show, unparalleled in quality and quantity of items, is approximately 600 pieces of porcelain and glass in the style of Classicism and Empire, created in the Russian imperial and private enterprises in the most fruitful period of their activity, called the golden age in the development of "high style" in the applied arts.

The service for one person (" selfish ") with the romantic scenery
Plant A. Popov, 1810-20th
Porcelain; nadglazuraya, painting, gilding
Source: Press Release SHM
vases paired with floral paintings. Factory AG Popov. 1830
porcelain, biscuit, nadglazuraya painting, gilding
Source: Press Release SHM

exhibition opens exhibit dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812: a collection of unique patriotic memorial porcelain and glass, created in the years 1813-1815, with memorial inscriptions and portraits of the heroes of the war in 1812. Among the exhibits are: the glasses with the medallions and the words "Sing, Moscow, Paris, Russia" and the date of the taking of Paris by Allied troops March 19, 1814; vases with portraits of the heroes of 1812, china factory Gardner caricatures of Napoleon's army, made by examples of artists and I. Terebenev A. Venetsianov .

of interest porcelain vases, colossi, specially created for the grand palaces of St. Petersburg. The most grandiose vase, five feet tall, is decorated with multi-figure painting masterly panorama of the Battle of the village forest in 1709 and a portrait of Peter I. Connoisseurs and lovers of china will be interesting to see a number of new products atribuirovannyh Imperial Porcelain Factory, period of Alexander I, who had previously attributed to the production of French factories. Among them are several dinner services "dezhene" (for breakfast) are exhibited for the first time. In the Russian porcelain factories of private subjects presented a significant number of portraits of historical figures, literary themes, depicting historical events and monuments, images of modes.

Skulptura Sculpture "Vodonoska
Imperial Porcelain Factory. 1810s
Author model SS Pimenov
Source: Press Release SHM
plate with the image of the Palace Grenadiers company officials
Imperial Porcelain Factory. 1834
Artist painting Saveliev AP Aleksandrov for lithography ...
Porcelain; nadglazuraya painting, gilding, tsirovka
Source: Press Release SHM

In the exposition dedicated to the glass industry in Russia, are products of the Imperial Glass Factory, decorated palace interiors, and the ceremonial table. Among them - the beautiful cobalt glass vases with bouquets of bronze; jorum samovar, which according to legend, was made for the wedding of Crown Prince Paul Petrovich, the future Emperor Paul I; colorless crystal vase with sculptures of caryatids, exhibited extremely rare because of the complexity of their design, a vase made of precious glass mass - the "gold ruby».

vase with handles in the form of snakes. Imperial Glass Factory, 1830
Crystal violet (manganese), cutting, bronze and gilding. Height 42cm
Source: Press Release SHM
Chashka cup and saucer with ornamental decoration - garlands
Source: Press Release SHM

first best represented by a superb collection of articles monumental 1800-30-ies of the crystal in curved rims gilt bronze - triumphant works of the Russian Empire on which the works of outstanding masters of the famous "glass empire" Maltsov. Among the works are two of the plant Bakhmet'eva rare artifact end of XVIII century - the so-called "tumblers Vershinin," which are placed between the walls of landscape and ornamental compositions of straw, moss, grass, paper, cut out and painted in watercolor.

Source : Press Release SHM

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