The largest exhibition of works by Albrecht Durer in Germany is
The German National Museum in Nuremberg is the largest in the last 40 years in Germany, an exhibition of works by Albrecht Durer, for which more than 50 custodians of his works from 12 countries submitted 120 works
The exhibition Albrecht Dürer in the National Museum in Nuremberg. Source:
National Museum, Nuremberg, Germany
May 24 - September 2, 2012
National Museum in Nuremberg (Germanisches Nationalmuseum) is the largest in the last 40 years in Germany, an exhibition of works by Albrecht Durer. More than 50 custodians of his works from 12 countries have provided for this project 120 key works of the great German master. The exhibition is the final step in the early years of research the artist.
exhibition covers the career of the artist until his second trip to Venice in 1505. The earliest work - it's "Self Portrait" in 1484 from Vienna's Albertina gallery, and the latest - "The Adoration of the Magi" in 1504 from the Uffizi (Florence). The exhibition is divided into four sections: "Personality and Engineering", "copy and create new", "Durer as a playwright," and "What is art?».
in Nuremberg presents some of the most outstanding earliest paintings and graphic works by the master - his self-portraits and portraits of friends and relatives, sketches of nature and everyday scenes.
special installation "Laboratory Durer" recreates a 250 square meters of museum space atmosphere Nuremberg street Burgshtrasse, which was the first workshop of the artist Dürer, and where he met his future patrons. According to critics, place of birth had a significant influence on the formation of an artist. Nuremberg in the XV century was the economic and cultural center. The city attracted artists - the most famous of them at that time were Pleydenvurf Hans (Hans Pleydenwurff) and Michael Wohlgemuth (Michael Wolgemut). In the studio the last young Albrecht Dürer mastered the basics of painting and engraving. In addition, Durer was influenced by Italian Renaissance artists.
Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI
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