Art Investment

Exhibition of the 75th anniversary of the State Museum of Mayakovsky

In the gallery of the "Ark" opens the exhibition "Public Image", which presents 140 works by prominent local artists - from "A" - Natan Altman to "Z" - Alexander Yakovlev

Gallery "Ark", May 18 - July 1, 2012
st. Nemchinov, 12

today in the gallery "Ark" presents "Public Image", prepared for the 75th anniversary of the State Museum of VV Mayakovsky.

Artists: N. Eisenberg, N. Altman , Lev L. Bruni , D. Burliuk , P. Williams , M. Voloshin , N. Goncharova , S. Gorodetsky, Boris D. B. Grigoriev , E. Guro , A. Deineka , N. Denisovsky , L. Zhegin , A. Zhitomirsky, Kamensky , Kandinsky , G. Klutsis , I. Klyun , P. Konchalovsky , P. Smiths , Kulbin , E. Lang , M. Larionov , Lebedev , El Lissitzky , P. Lions , K. Malevich , F. Malyavin , Mayakovsky , D. Mitrokhin , P. Miturich , Yu Mogilev, Morgunov , A. Nuremberg , A. Osmerkin , I. Popkov , I. Puni , S. Radlov, Olga O. Rozanov , A. Rodchenko , V. Roskin, S. Senkin , M. Sinyakova-Urechina , B. Stepanova , Tatlin , N. Tyrsa , Alexander G. A. Tyshler , R. Falk , P. Filonov , Valentina V. Khodasevich , B. Chekrygin , Mark M. Chagall , B. Shekhtel , D. Shterenberg , Alexander E. A. Yakovlev .


from S. Strizhnevoy introductory article, the director of the State Museum of VV Mayakovsky, to the exhibition catalog: "In total 140 works by prominent local masters of different styles, trends and fate. From the "A" - Natan Altman (bright representative of Russian avant-garde, who participated in the design of the revolutionary celebrations in St. Petersburg and Moscow, as well as the staging of "Mystery-Bouffe" Mayakovsky in Moscow Circus in 1921) to "I" - Alexander Yakovlev (a member of the "Union Russian artists "and the" World of Art ", who emigrated after the Revolution in France, uncles Tatyana Yakovleva). Exhibited at the show things are just a small part of the museum collection, numbering about four thousand units of the main fund and the same scientific support. Collection in its own unique, although many works never would have adorned the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum. The value of it is that it is associated with the time in which the poet lived, with the family, friends and associates, as well as his posthumous fate ».



From the introductory article by Sergey Safonov and Igor Chuvilin, curators, gallery "Ark" to the exhibition catalog: "Anniversary exhibition of the treasures of the museum, even if these treasures are small, it is in the halls of the" Ark "- a natural - hopefully in between - the result of creative interaction, which is over ten years experience in itself could also pass for a "newsworthy." Chamber, made for the most part on paper exhibits from the museum first appeared in our walls, on the occasion of the exhibition "One Hundred Years with the flame (smoking and smokers in the Russian art of the twentieth century)," and greatly enriched the image of the past - most notably 1910-20 's. Since then, many times works from the Museum of VV Mayakovsky complement the exhibition, "the Ark". Among the exhibits, "Alley Culture, recreation lawns" were watercolors Dmitry Mitrokhin and Mikhail Larionov, as well as works by other authors from the museum. In the exposition "The March of enthusiasts," says about the system, and all the crowd in the domestic arts, among other things successfully entered the museum illustrate the book by Olga Rozanova Kruchenykh "War" by Natalia Goncharova and lithographs from the album "Mystical images of war" ... In fact, and in the current exhibition of graphic works by artists two decades constitute a significant - and perhaps the most expressive - part of it. Constellation names: Kandinsky, Malevich, Kamensky, Burliuk, Tyrsa, Rozanov, Larionov ... Sometimes there are images of the Mayakovsky, the characters of his plays or his dedication, as it happened in Paris has lithographs by Marc Chagall. Still, the protagonist of this exhibition - the time of the first decades of the twentieth century and the art that became his hallmark bright ».


About the Museum: December 23, 1937 , the order was issued on the organization of People's Commissariat of State Library-Museum of VV Mayakovsky. The current name of the museum received in 1967. The State Museum of VV Mayakovsky is a literary-memorial museum. The museum stores a set of documents related to the life and creative work of Mayakovsky: manuscripts, notebooks poet, picturesque heritage, correspondence, documents, biographies, and to memories of him, Mayakovsky memorabilia and family heirlooms kind of Mayakovsky. A considerable part of the museum's collection consists of materials of personal funds contemporaries Mayakovsky: Burliuk, V. Kamensky, Khlebnikov, A. twisted, Meyerhold, V. Shekhtel, P. Neznamova, S. Gorodetsky, S. Bobrow, A . the February, P. Lavut, etc.

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