Art Investment

II Biennale of Contemporary Photography will start in the Russian Museum

The regular holding of "Museum of Contemporary Photography Biennial" provides an opportunity every two years to acquaint the viewer with the work of contemporary Russian photographers

RM, March 23 - the end of May 2012

today at the State Russian Museum II Biennale opens contemporary photography. The regular holding of "Museum of Contemporary Photography Biennial" provides an opportunity every two years to acquaint the viewer with the work of contemporary Russian photographers.

Photo - one of the most democratic forms of creativity. Thanks to information technology capabilities, Internet communication, it has each year engaged in a growing number of photographers, both professionals and amateurs from various parts of the country.

2010 50 x 50. Source:
Kirill Ivanov Dandelion Wine 2010
34 x 50.5. Source:

started in 2011 «II Museum Biennial of Contemporary Photography." Again, as two years ago, in a few months the Russian photographers send their work to the email address of the Russian Museum. Of the 2,000 images in the second round of 1000 selected works, from which the museum received 760 printed photos. The program does not involve the current Biennale of specific nominations or explicit themes: at the final exhibition provides contemporary photography in all forms and genres.

final exhibition includes about 350 works, conventionally divided into nine thematic areas: "Scene", "Everyday", "City", "Faces," "Still Life", "The beauty of the body," "Landscape", "believers", "Imaginary." Thematic and genre diversity of products involved in the project, can reveal the complexity of the art of photography, to demonstrate its inherent expressiveness of the language and imagery of art.

Dmitry Morozov Stairs.
2006 50 x 35. Source:
tip of memories. In 2010. 50 x 34

Traditionally, in the course of the exhibition will be a vote that will determine their favorite photos of the audience. At the end of the exhibition will be awarded special prizes from partners Biennale (the company "Bright World", etc.). The project provides an opportunity to continue to the completion of the work of the museum's collection of contemporary photographers. After completion of the exhibition a special committee of the Russian Museum will consider the inclusion of her work presented at the part of his collection.

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