Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs, "The Great unreal"
Swiss photographers Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs, working together since 2003. Their project in 2009 "Great unreal," continues the tradition of photographic journeys along the roads of America
Mamma, March 21 - April 15, 2012
st. Ostozhenka 16
Today at the 9th International Month of Photography in Moscow "Biennale 2012" exhibition opens in Mamma Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs, "The Great unreal."
Series "Great unreal», 2005-2009 Source: | Series "Great unreal», 2005-2009 Source: |
Swiss photographers Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs, working together since 2003. Their project in 2009 "Great unreal," continues the tradition of photographic journeys along the roads of America that began half a century ago by Robert Frank. Pictures were taken during the period from 2005 to 2008, and photographers have tried to bring something new in the original has become a cliche theme of "travel writing". They seemed to re-invent the genre, reinterpreting the technique and content. Among the photos there are Production shot some pictures of Onorato and Krebs retake, changing lighting and overlaying one another.
Series "Great unreal», 2005-2009 Source: | Series "Great unreal», 2005-2009 Source: |
photographs of America is not just as a geographical point on the map travel, but as a source of inspiration for the creation and study of a new reality (partly created by the artists). Their style is based on a deliberate or accidental intervention of the artist into reality, resulting in changing the perception of the viewer.
solo exhibitions Onorato and Krebs were held in major European and American museums and galleries, including MoMA , Center for Contemporary Art in Florence, Kunsthalle Mainz, Kunstganten Gallery in Berlin, the Swiss Institute in New York, Museum Bellpark in Lucerne.
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