Art Investment

VI Petersburg salon "Collector"

April 19-22 in St. Petersburg the Antique Salon VI "The Collector", which will bring together more than 250 shops, galleries and private collectors from the CIS countries, France, UK, Germany, Bulgaria, Finland, Macedonia, the Baltic States
At last year's Salon ...
Source: Yakollektsioner.rf

Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", 19-22 April 2012
St. Petersburg, St. Isaac's Square, 1

19 to April 22 in St. Petersburg The VI Antique Salon «collector».

Traditionally Salon opened in one of the most prestigious exhibition City halls - in the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" in St. Isaac's Square, 1.

brand shows "The Collector" traditionally gather over 250 participants from CIS countries, France, Britain, Germany, Bulgaria, Finland, Macedonia, the Baltic states. Among them the oldest antique shops in Moscow and St. Petersburg and famous private collections of collectors from 20 cities of Russia.

At the Salon will feature antique furniture, porcelain, lamps, sculpture, jewelry, rare antiquarian books, modern and collectible music and art books, prints, stamps, postcards, records, collectible coins and paper money all over the world, types and qualities, ancient weapons, icons (Russian, Greek and Western Europe), the rare fan XVII - XIX centuries , pewter miniatures, objects of the old way of life, etc.

Particular attention is paid to the painting: the salon you will see the works of foreign and Russian masters of the XVIII - the beginning of the twentieth century, the works of famous artists of the Soviet period, leaf our contemporaries.

special place in the Salon traditionally occupy vintage items that are both objects of everyday life and works of art.

As usual, the Salon will be available counseling owners of antique shops and galleries, artists, famous collectors.

Holder Antique Salon VI "The Collector" - Ltd "Collector": St. Petersburg, Zanevsky Prospect, 30, k 2, of. 130, tel.: (812) 444-87-37, 444-88-76, 444-86-08; e-mail: ; web: Yakollektsioner.rf .

Source : Yakollektsioner.rf

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