Exhibition of new works by Georg Baselitz at Gagosian Gallery in New York
The famous German artist returns to the roots of their own creativity
Gagosian Gallery, New York, February 28 - April 7, 2012
Georg Baselitz
2011 oil on canvas

In Gagosian Gallery in New York opened the exhibition of new paintings and sculptural works by Georg Baselitz (Georg Baselitz).
Art Baselitz unusually multifaceted: it is constantly reinterprets and updates its own style and creative method. Baselitz creates drawings, paintings, prints, wooden sculptures (often of monumental size.) His works have emphasized the German traits, although many have absorbed the influences of such diverse phenomena as brutalism, the work of Antonin Artaud, an old German wood carvings and African sculpture. Although some works of Baselitz imbued the majestic spirit of the post-war abstract art, many of the themes and motifs of his works refer the viewer to the severity of post-war way of life and tragic intellectual atmosphere of defeated Germany. With the reunification of the country in 1990, Baselitz work become less anxious, and they appear bright and unexpected elements of his work.
In his new paintings of Georg Baselitz back to the origins of their own creativity, in particular to their "broken" pictures in 1966, offering the audience their new interpretation. The last decade of the artist paints on the floor of his studio, which does not allow it at work to see the canvas as a whole, however, makes reliance on intuition. New pictures of Baselitz filled with sharp lines and highlights colors - it's reincarnation, memories, the ghosts of the work of the 1960s, a much more heavy and gloomy. Artist motivated by a desire to clean and refresh the past, and his mature technique allows to transmit the depth of his thinking about the time being, victory and defeat, a possible fine of substance.
Georg Baselitz is also famous for its rough wooden sculptures, which blended old German tradition of woodcarving art and primitivism. He creates sculptures in bronze. The new masters of sculptural works and contrast different expressive combination of different emotional content - the soft, undulating and tough, chopped - forms.
Georg Baselitz works included in the assembly of the set of state museums of different countries, such as The Ludwig Museum in Cologne, New York MoMA, and Metropolitan, the London Tate Modern. Organized exhibitions of the artist are known institutions such as the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, the Albertina Museum, the Royal Academy of Arts of Great Britain, the Munich Pinakothek of Modern Art, the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and Rome Borghese Gallery.
The artist says about his work: "I have no goal to create a frightening image, I want to create something new, exclusive, belonging only to me ... something that would be sent out to the tradition, but it would be different novel».
Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI
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