Art Investment

Today, the New York MoMA Museum opens an exhibition Cindy Sherman

During his 35-year career with the famous artist remains faithful to one single character, captured in all her works, - itself

Museum MoMA, New York, February 26 - June 11, 2012

Untitled. 1975
Kinokadr without a title № 7. 1978

Cindy Sherman (Cindy Sherman) - a mystery. Her face is familiar to art lovers for many pictures in which she captures herself, but her work is not autobiographical. Collectors hunt for her works, critics have praised it. In her portraits she explores the world of human emotions - hypocritical or sincere, but never speaks of his own inner world.

58-year retrospective of the artist in the museum of MoMA in New York, dedicated to the 35 - years of her creative career, a reminder that the Sherman refers to his ironic: she uses herself as a model, without claiming the title of his own muse. The key to understanding the mysteries of Sherman could provide her Manhattan studio, which adorn the walls are numerous pictures cut from magazines and print photos from the Internet, where people are caught in the camera, "embarrassing," as she puts it, the circumstances: a lady in evening dress prepares breakfast, actress poses nude shyly hiding behind designer handbag.

Sherman keeps his many costumes, colorful wigs, fake noses and breasts, which are used to create images in a thorough manner in several closets. Here - orange chest of accessories to makeup and makeup, as well as a computer that processes the images of the artist: it is with the help of Sherman reincarnated in their favorite characters.

No title number 92.
1981 Source:

Why did the artist herself appears on most of their work? The first and main reason - her shyness. "Masking" and no team can relax while working with a team models and assistants required voltage. Sherman once tried to work with models, but quickly abandoned the idea. artist, in contrast to such pillars of modern art, like Damien Hirst and Takashi Murakami, prefers to work alone and do everything myself.

There was a time when she was distracted from his main theme and the portrait was experimenting with the creation of still lifes. Although these works are liking her most loyal fans, but they still lack the life and brilliance of her other works . Still Life also sells a lot worse than portraits. When a collector takes photos of Sherman, he certainly wants to complete her face.

Those wishing to do more than enough, that allows you to Cindy Sherman to keep the top position in the auction rankings. Last May, her work Untitled from the series "Turns" in 1981 set a new record among the works of photography, earning $ 3.4 million (true record-holder has held the 1st place only until November, when it was shifted to the podium, Andreas Gursky ).

Sherman, unlike many of his successful colleagues, who, famous, go on their first dealers to star galleries, remains true galleries of his youth. It continues to be in the United States, the New York Metro Pictures, which is back in 1979, held the first solo exhibition of Sherman, and Sprüth Magers, which since 1984, presents the works of artists of the Europeans. advantage of co-operation with the old friends - the lack of marketing pressure and an opportunity to work in its natural pace. And the result is obvious: Sherman may well boast that does not repeat itself and does not give the market substandard "surplus production».

Untitled number 193. 1989
Untitled number 424. 2004

Cindy Sherman broke into the art world with a series of snapshots "footage without a name", which consisted of 69 black and white photographs taken in the late 1970s. improvised photo archive, the pictures that Sherman appears as the heroine of the 1950 movie 60's, immediately gained popularity among connoisseurs of modern art. study of media culture, taken by Sherman, takes pop art glorification of konsyumeristskih values ​​in a critical plane. A satire, with which it comes to stereotypical images of women's contemporary, slightly gives feminism - so subtly, that the representative of the feminist wing of the art once advised a young Sherman to accompany their work text to the irony implicit in these was read distinctly.

ambiguity, double bottom - that's one of the main characteristics of the Sherman works. Do not completely clear how the mysterious character on her photo is close to the author. Sherman has always masterfully unleashes a mist, as the For example, in a series of "reversals", consisting of 12 color photographs, in which the artist photographed in a top-down perspective of frightening, disturbing images and thoughtful.

Among the most celebrated recent works Sherman - cycle of "Clowns", created in 2003-2004. Respini Eva (Eva Respini), curator of the exhibition at MoMA, believes in the creative world, Sherman clown - her artistic alter ego. It seems that the way it is: one of the photos on the heavily made-up clown suit with false nose and cheeks embroidered the name of "Cindy." It is sad, scary clowns are just one example of how Sherman is transformed beyond recognition in his work. She was particularly attracted to the repulsive and tragic characters, which allow even more ironic is so beat her favorite genre of self-portraits.

Untitled number 474. 2008

Cindy Sherman - Actress and producer of frozen visual stories that explore and analyze women ( at least for men) the images of Western culture. In the 1970s, when she was just beginning, it was difficult to assume that the chosen theme and its way of its realization remains, even years later, just as vivid and inexhaustible. Did the artist that she, like a character actress, enjoying every small role, with unflagging attention, interest and sympathy watching the world around them - cleverly concealing this interest under the guise of ironic detachment.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI

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