Art Investment

In Christ|In Christo: Giotto at the Tretyakov Gallery, Rublev and Dionysius in the Baptistery in Florence

Today, the State Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane through the exchange of artistic and spiritual masterpieces between Russia and Italy exhibition at Giotto

THG, December 20, 2011 - March 19, 2012
Moscow, Lavrushinsky Lane , 10, hall № 38

Madonna and Child /Maesta di San Giorgio alla Costa.
1299 Wood, gold leaf, tempera , a wooden base. 180 x 90
Museum Church of Santo Stefano al Ponte (Diocesan Museum),
Florence, Italy
Source: Press Release TG

Today, the State Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane through the exchange of artistic and spiritual masterpieces between Russia and Italy exhibition at Giotto . The exhibition is organized at the initiative of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and President of Italy Giorgio Napoletano under the patronage of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill in the Year of Russian culture and Russian language in the Republic of Italy, Italian culture and Italian language in the Russian Federation.

< p class = "mat1"> This project - the result of joint creative efforts of representatives of science centers and museum community, theological circles - is a unique experience of cooperation between Italian and Russian specialists, who in the end cross-Year in Italy - Russia made it possible to make this unprecedented exchange of masterpieces.

In Florence, in the building of the famous Baptistery, The State Tretyakov Gallery shows significant and rare monuments of ancient art from its collection. This is majestic "Our Lady Protectress," created at the end of the XIII century in one of the art Centres of Ancient Russia - Pskov, "Resurrection" in 1408 from a number of festive iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir associated with the work of the famous Russian icon painter, Andrei Rublev, and, finally, the amazing beauty of artistic expression of theological ideas of the icon "The Crucifixion", written by Dionysius in 1500.

State Tretyakov Gallery, as an equal member of a unique art-historical and theological project came up with the maximum potential liability as to the selection of works for exhibition in Italy, and to their full modern scientific and technical and technological study. The studies were conducted on a uniform methodology adopted by the State Tretyakov Gallery. The results of these studies, all stages are accompanied by detailed photographic images, presented in the Catalogue of the exhibition project. Thus, the Tretyakov Gallery, presented in the exhibition project "In Christ" is not only great works of art domestic medieval culture, but also as possible to date our knowledge of them.

At the same time in Moscow, the Tretyakov Gallery, the first time works by the great Italian painter Giotto di Bondone (1267 -1337), whose name in Italian culture associated Protorenessansa an era. It is stored in Florence icon "Madonna and Child" at the end of the XIII century church of San Giorgio alla Costa and two-sided altar complex, consisting of 10 images on a pedestal - polyptych from the Temple of Santa Reparata, created around 1305 and recently introduced by Italian researchers in the range of works by Giotto.

Creating an image of "Madonna with Child" (1299) of the Florentine church of San Giorgio alla Costa (Museum of the Church of Santo Stefano al Ponte (Diocesan Museum), Florence) Italian researchers have associated with the early period of the master, when he was working on a series of frescoes for the Cathedral of St. Francis in Assisi. iconographic type to which the "Madonna with Child" , obtained in the Italian tradition known as "Maest and » (from the Italian maesta - magnification) - "Madonna in Glory." origins of the iconography are inextricably linked with the Byzantine tradition. Confirm authorship of Giotto in the creation of the image due to the reduction icon, which was heavily damaged by broken glass in 1993 in an explosion in the Uffizi Gallery. In the course of a thorough restoration was carried further studies, which resulted in the authorship of Giotto was recognized.

History polyptych of the church of Santa Reparata, (c. 1305, Museum of Opera del di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence) is associated with the construction of the famous Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. At the end of the XIII century it was decided to bookmark the new grand cathedral on the site of the old church dedicated to the patroness of Florence - St. Reparata. Construction was intermittently for a long time and was only completed in 1396, when the old church Santa Reparata was literally, built in a monumental new cathedral. From 1331 to 1337 he directed the construction of Giotto. < /p>

iconographic composition polyptych representing the very saints of Florence, is associated with the change of dedication of the cathedral: on the front side facing the congregation, in the center - the image of the Virgin and Child, which is devoted to a new church, St. Reparata depicted on the reverse side of the altarpiece, accessible review of the priesthood of the cathedral during the liturgy.

Giotto and workshops
Polyptych Church of Santa Reparata, (front side). 1305-1310
Wood, gold leaf, tempera. 96,5 x 241,5
on a wooden pedestal, size 250 x 30 x30
Museum Opera del di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence, Italy
Source: Press Release TG
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< a title = "Giotto and workshops Polyptych Church of Santa Reparata, (back). 1305-1310" false; "style = display: block; "> Giotto and workshops
Polyptych Church of Santa Reparata, (back). 1305-1310
Tree , gold leaf and tempera. 96,5 x 241,5
on a wooden pedestal measuring 250 x 30 x 30
Museum Opera del di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence, Italy
Source: Press TG release

In the Middle Ages, the culture of our people united by a common source - artistic tradition Byzantium. The great Florentine Giotto is one of the few artists whose work changed the face of an era in which they lived. His "Madonna and Child" was created at the end of the XIII century after the separation of Church on the East (with its center in Constantinople, and later in Moscow ) and West (centered in Rome) and demonstrates a departure from the Byzantine canon, which is still followed by his teachers and predecessors, such as Pietro Cavallini and Cimabue. In the work of the same Russian icon painters, such as Andrei Rublev and Dionysius, the Byzantine foundations take on traits of the national art in which they exist and evolve over the centuries.

presented in a single project works of Russian and Italian art provide an opportunity to see the greatest monuments of the late European Middle Ages in the overall context, which is certainly is an important step in studying connections and parallels between our cultures.

Source : Press Release TG

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