"All faces of the Impossible"
Today, the CHA opened the exhibition of contemporary art from private collections in Moscow collectors - participants in the art studio "Dominant"
Norilsk. Road. 2009. Oil on canvas. 100 x 120

ANDREW Grositsky
purple object. 2007. Chipboard, mixed tehnika.56 x 43
CHA, 11-24 November 2011
Today, 11 November at 17.00 in the CHA (Krimsky Val, 10, 3rd floor, room number 26) opens the exhibition of contemporary art from private collections in Moscow collectors - participants in the art studio," The Dominant ».
< p class = "mat1"> The idea of the project "All faces of the Impossible" emerged last year during a friendly feast of four friends-collectors - participants in the art studio "Dominant" Anna Moreva, Alexandra Mironova, George Gurov and me. We discussed the importance, in my view, the problem: on what basis we choose to work their collections and what is common between the authors, which we prefer. As a result, came to the conclusion that for all of us the main thing - to see the artist desire to push the boundaries of consciousness of his contemporaries. Agree that the author of a work of art becomes an artist with a capital letter only when the set itself an impossible task. In other words, goes in search of the Impossible.wonder that in our meetings is dominated by authors that have formed in the bowels of other art - in the turbulent 1960s. Then, in an atmosphere of political stagnation and universal conformism has arisen a group of avant-garde rebels who disagree with the canons of socialist realism - rejecting conventional, imposed by the dominant ideology stereotypes. After creating impossible - it's just contrary, in spite of, even out of spite. I believe that every picture should be written with the blood of the heart and the true avant-garde features passion, spontaneity, and inspiration.
We try to collect "primary sources", that is artist-pioneers who are experimenting on "his" aesthetic space and really affect the contemporary artistic process. Each of our "wards" and accumulates the past spiritual experience, and offers future generations a vast space for the search.
... In the evening a year ago Sasha Mironov suggested to organize a joint exhibition of our favorite artists and call it "All faces of the Impossible" because each author in his work reflects one facet of the Impossible, to which he aspires.
Over the last year we - Anya Sasha, Yuri and I - not carried out a joint project and the work had to understand that we are like-minded people. Of course, not everyone (everyone has his own tastes and preferences), but - in the main.
At the heart of our business is a simple principle. It's no secret that collectors in the eyes of the public looks like a miser, who dragged them to his house works of art are locked away from prying eyes for a hundred bolts, and as a result of the work, falling into the hands of a private owner, forever cease to be accessible mass audience. Art Studio "Dominant" aims to break down outdated stereotypes and show by example that the private collection can be as transparent as possible. Actually, all our exhibitions over the past year were designed to change public attitudes to the 'profession' (and indeed the mission ) collector.
I think we were able to prove that put their treasures on display is not as bad as previously thought. And quite the contrary. Any activity for the benefit of the national culture is respect. We get a lot of appreciative feedback and gain more supporters.
The current exhibit at the CHA, we believe something like universal card-guide for travelers on a diverse space of contemporary art. The project reflects almost all of the latest in demand at museums, galleries, collectors and spectators trend contemporary art. The exhibition presents the authors of international renown, marked the beginning of the dominant trends and directions.
Sergei Alferov , Marat Babin, Aron Bukh , German Vinogradov , Grositsky , , Natta Konyshev , Alexander Ishin , Boris "Bob" Koshelokhov, Alexander Lozowy , , Vladislav Ratner , Nicholas Rotanov , Daria Surovtseva, Maria Schmidt.
Lyusine Petrosyan, collector, especially for ARTinvestment. RU
Igor Dudinskiy of the exhibition" All faces of the Impossible ».
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