Art Investment

"Double Impact" by Andy Warhol in Washington

Today in the U.S. capital just opened two exhibitions of classic pop art

Today in Washington opened two shows one of the most famous American artists of the second half of the XX Century - Andy Warhol (Andy Warhol, 1928-1987). National Gallery of Art (National Gallery of Art) presents the exhibition "Warhol: headers" (until January 2, 2012), and the Smithsonian Museum Hirshhorn (Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Museum) shows the exhibition "Andy Warhol: shadows" (15 January 2012).

Andy Warhol Shadows. 1978-1979
Andy Warhol Shadow. 1978-1979

Both exhibitions offer a look at the work of the founder of pop art in a new light: his high-profile banks soup, portraits of Marilyn Monroe and other high-profile work are, according to the curators are not so important to the history of art, as lesser-known but more substantial works. For example, such as those presented in the National Gallery of variations on themes of news headlines or study the subtle and elusive details of everyday life at the Museum Hirshhorn.

< div class = "imgcenter"> Andy Warhol guy for Meg

The exhibition "Warhol: headers" brought together works that the artist created in the wake and on the subject of tabloid headlines. Warhol throughout his life he was fascinated by the spirit of sensational news media. At the exhibition, other than works that show the public and sources of inspiration for them. Comparing both, the audience will understand that Warhol was performed in a dual role: first as an editor and then as a writer.

So Warhol's favorite tune titles revealed at the show on the example of some 80 works in completely different genres - from painting, drawings, prints and photographs to sculpture, film and video. theme of the exhibition, which took a red thread through all of Warhol's artistic career, had not received the deserved attention by museums. Meanwhile, headlines reflect such important subjects thought of Warhol, as the glory, death, accident, media sensation.

times of Andy Warhol, along with Pablo Picasso (Pablo Picasso), include some of the most influential artists of the XX century. His visual language and images of long ago, paradoxically, become part of popular culture from which they once emerged. attributed to Warhol phrase that "in the future everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes," in our time has become a reality thanks to the rapid development of such a favorite Warhol various news channels. The exhibition "Warhol: Headers" is organized by the National Gallery of Art in Washington in conjunction with the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh (The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh), the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome (Galleria nazionale d'arte moderna) and the Museum of Modern Art Frankfurt (Museum für Moderne Kunst). After the show in Washington DC show at a time to visit all of these museums.

exhibition "Andy Warhol: shadows" at the Museum Hirshhorn presents the viewer cycle "Shadows" performed in 1978, 102 of the cycle - painting and silk screening - are the images in bright-colored backgrounds, the same shapeless, twisted shadows imprinted on the photo to Warhol's own studio. The works refer to the bravura brush paintings of abstract expressionists, simultaneously making fun of them . monumental canvases the size of the banality of their conflict with the general plot, but many times repeated silkscreen printing prints undermine the very notion of a unique work of art.

Cycle "Shadows" was first shown to the public in 1979 and since then virtually not present. Only in 1998 the fund was organized by Dia Foundation exhibition series. The Museum Hirshhorn, which presents an exhibition in conjunction with the Dia Foundation, working, hanging, literally side by side, occupying about 140 meters. Thus, the curators managed to highlight their cinematography and give the audience an opportunity to contemplate the cycle in its entirety.

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

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