Art Investment

"The World of Flowers" Ana Tsar in the Russian Museum

In the Russian Museum opened an exhibition of paintings of contemporary European artist Ana Tsarev, whose paintings were highly praised by critics and have been successfully adopted in New York, Monaco, London, Dubai, Hanoi (Vietnam)

SRM, July 14 - September 4, 2011

In the Engineers (Mikhailovsky) Castle of the State Russian Museum opened an exhibition of paintings of contemporary European artist Ana Tsarev (born 1937). Her paintings have won high critical acclaim and have been successfully adopted in New York, Monaco, London, Dubai, Hanoi. B this year, the artist first exhibited his works in Russia. The exhibition "The Life of Flowers" - the curatorial project of the Russian Museum, represents the art of Ana Tsarev for 10 years.

< a style = "display: block;" false; "title = ANA TSAREV Golden Sunset (Dendrobium sky-blue). 2009 "> ANA TSAREV Golden Sunset (Dendrobium sky-blue).
2009 Oil on canvas. 116 x 89
Source: Press Release Timing
Pink clouds. 2001 < br /> Oil on canvas. 92 x 73
Source: < /a>

This exhibition - the artist's return to his historical roots. Tsarev Ana recalls: "The ancestors of my mother - Tsarevo - Russian from both sides. I was brought up in the atmosphere of Russian folk tales, which my grandmother told me. The world of fantastic stories about miracles, devils and saints was much stronger and richer than ordinary reality. Later , while the designer shops of luxury, fate brought me to Russia. I was fascinated by the beauty of Russian churches and works of art. Russian art - this is my art. The Russian painting and I love the rich color gamut, consisting of gold, red, blue and green. Once discovering these colors, I felt like home and this feeling has not left me. I feel that my soul - a Russian, and every day of my life, I express it in my work ».

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Younger spring. 2010
canvas maslo.114 x 146
Source: rusmuseum. ru
Hawaiian summer. 2000
Watercolor on paper. 38 x 57,4
Source: < /a>

Russian soul artist finds expression not only in her work, but in her actions. She gave Children's Cancer Center, which opened in Moscow in June 2011, 20 prints of his works from the series "Russian Fairy Tales».

The exhibition Engineers at the castle will be displayed 52 works of Ana Tsarev, written over the last decade, and inspired by the impressions of her numerous trips to Africa, Asia and Europe. In large and bright paintings of Ana Tsarev viewer finds tropical plants from Hawaii, New Zealand, magnolia, wild flowers Africa , sunflowers in the south of France and Japanese water lilies.

Garden lilies. 2003
Oil on canvas. 89 x 118,4
lilies of the field. 2003
Oil on canvas. 89 x 118,4

artist explains: "All my life I in love with flowers. They accompany us from birth to death, giving her beauty and inspiring in the joys and sorrows. In every corner of our vast world is unique flowers, and I constantly study them, keeping them bloom on canvas for future generations. "< /p>

Art Tsarev highly rated by many critics. According to Alexander Borovsky, curator at the Russian Museum, "Ana has developed a powerful Tsar, sign style, dating back to the power of post-impressionism outdoor color, bold stroke, more , haze of strokes, optically drifting in space. pre-reflexive celebration began, the drive assignment of full-scale pulse of mastering them. Her method - is primarily a "modeling", blending, hand contact with paint and canvas. demiurgic world is molded by it "by itself" " .

Gold Hawaii. 2005
canvas, acrylic. 122 x 94,6
Emerald Prince. 2000
Oil on canvas. 81 x 65

Cloths Ana Tsarev conquer the power and freshness of the painting solutions , reassuring perception of the boundless and majestic world of nature.

Tsarev Ana was born in Croatia in 1937. In 1950-1955 she studied at Classical High School in Split, and studied classical Greek, Latin, Russian, English and other humanitarian items. In 1955-1956 continued philological and philosophical education at the University of Split, there attended night classes in design and dressmaking.

In 1957 she married Robert Chandler and moved to New Zealand, where for 13 years was engaged in design and development of brands. In 1970-1986, as creative director led a leading retailer of luxury in New Zealand, for which established and developed a line of clothing and jewelry. It is known that this time, Hardy Amis, designer of the British Queen, arrived in New Zealand to ask for advice Ana Tsarev.

In 1976, first went to Japan, where he studied art and became acquainted with many artists and craftsmen. Introducing Japanese culture has had an enormous influence on art Tsarev. Here she created exclusive fabrics.

in 1986 went to Australia, where she studied art and horticulture Australian.

In 1988 she moved to Monaco, where he opened his own workshop. She currently holds workshops in New York, Monaco and Thailand.

Since 1989 visiting the Hawaiian Islands, where local agriculture studies and traditional culture.

1995-1998 developed projects of private gardens in Europe.

in 1998 began a partnership with Palazzo Leonardo Gallery in Monaco in 2004 - with a gallery in London Gherkin Gallery.

in 2005 traveled to Africa to visit remote areas of Mali, Senegal and Ghana.

In 2006, opened a shop in Thailand, where a few months of the year engaged in sculpture and travels to India, Vietnam, Cambodia, examines the influence of the religious history of the art of the region.

Source : Press Release Timing

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