Art Investment

Bruno Bruni. "There and Back Again"

Almost half a century of creativity of the famous Italian artist Bruno Bruni covers personal exhibition «Andata /Ritorno» («There and Back") at the Russian Academy of Arts

Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery, May 27 - June 26, 2011

Today in the Gallery of Arts Zurab Tsereteli (Prechistenka 19) will be held at 17:00 vernissage of the exhibition« Andata /Ritorno »(« There and Back Again "), covering almost half a century of creativity of the famous Italian artist Bruno Bruni.

Il Padrino (The Godfather). 2001-2002
Oil on canvas
Source: Press Release PAX
Iris Germanica.1985
Source: Press Release PAX

Russian Academy of Arts is the first known domestic audience with selected works of this brilliant wizard. Restrospektivnaya exhibition, launched in the year of cross-cultural "Italy - Russia, includes the best-known work of Bruno Bruni, describing his original handwriting.

Original art education Bruno Bruni (born 1935) received Institute of Arts named after F. Mengaroni in Pesaro (1952-1959). In 1961-1966 took a course at the Hamburg College of Fine Arts, where at that time taught artists Georg Gresko, Paul Wunderlich, Horst Janssen, Arnolfo Hausner, and art critic Hans Theodor Flemming. One of his teachers called Bruni Renato Guttuso. He studied in Milan. Along with several young authors Bruni founded in Hamburg group "COOP" - against the commercialization of art.

Couch Freud. 2007
Oil on canvas
Source: Press Release PAX
Sketch. 1962
ink, pen
Source: Press Release PAX

Bruni has been awarded the «Ugolini», in mid-1960 received the prize «Lichtwark» along with Otto Dix and Edgar Augustin. In 1977 won an international award «Senefelder». From 2002 - holds the official title of "Chevalier of the Italian Republic." Since 1959 solo exhibitions Bruni held in many cities around the world, including Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Cologne, London, Milan, New York, Rome and Tokyo. Paintings, sculptures, drawings and porcelain, by Bruno Bruni, stored in a number of European contemporary art museums, as well as many private collections.

Check out (Parting). 2002
Bronze toned
Source: Press Release PAX

The very title of the exhibition motif of the preconditions in return, a constant movement between the native Italy and Germany, where he lived for many years, and loyalty to a favorite subject, which he developed over decades, creating a thematic series. Art Bruni - figurative, he has consistently promoted the line that goes from the classics, but it adds to the mentality of our human days.

Rape of Europe. 2001
Carrara marble
Source: Press Release PAX

Leading in the creation of Bruni is the theme of human loneliness and the memory of the varied motives of expectations, dreams and failed meetings and partings. Almost always, the master repelled by natural motifs, easily transforming the mundane everyday scenes in the philosophical and poetic expression. At the same time, the artist firmly with great irony, but not forcing the viewer to his opinion, is able to affect the burning social issues.

virtuosity all the subtleties of line drawing and chiaroscuro, the ability to convey different nuances plasticity of the human body and the smallest details surrounding his subject environment, excellent knowledge of anatomy indicate a high skill Bruni-graphics. A significant role in his creative work nude theme, most notably manifested in sculpture. His bronze statues are cast rarely seen now by the "melted wax, to the Bavarian factory according to his designs made expensive porcelain.

Source : Press Release PAX

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