Art Investment

Impressionist of the Institute for Clark show in Milan

At Milan's Royal Palace, an exhibition of French impressionists in the collection of the Institute of Sterling and Francine Clark (Williamstown, Mass.). The exhibition features 73 works - Renoir, Monet, Degas, Bonnard and others

Milan, the Royal Palace, March 2 - June 19, 2011

in Milan's Royal Palace (Palazzo Reale) an exhibition of Impressionist paintings from the collection of the Institute of Sterling and Francine Clark (Williamstown, Mass.). The exhibition can be seen the most striking works of 73 artists, the Impressionists, in particular the work of Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Pierre-Auguste Renoir), Claude Monet (Claude Monet), Edgar Degas (Edgar Degas), Edouard Manet (Eduoard Manet), Camille Pissarro (Camille Pissarro), Pierre Bonnard (Pierre Bonnard), Camille Corot (Camille Corot), Paul Gauguin (Paul Gauguin), Jean-Francois Millet (Jean-Francois Millet), Alfred Sisley (Alfred Sisley) and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (Henri de Toulouse -Lautrec).

Robert Sterling Clark (1877-1956) was heir to the owners corporation "Singer", the famous American philanthropist, art collector and konezavodchikom. In 1910, after graduating from Yale University and serving in the U.S. Army, he was in Paris, where he met his future wife, French actress Francine Clary. Young wife shared a passion for art by Robert Stirling, relying solely on your own taste, the wife of Clark over 30 years collecting paintings, graphics, silverware, sculpture and porcelain. In 1950, for storage and study collections Clarke founded the Institute, which in 1955 opened the museum.

Meeting of the American and European Art Institute of Clark includes works from the Renaissance to the late XIX century . But most of all a collection of Clark is known in the world a large array of works of French Impressionists, in particular, some works by Renoir in the collection of more than 30 ( Clarke Institute recently organized the first retrospective exhibition of Renoir in Spain, transferring there in 1931 for exposing the product of the artist ).

Pierre-Auguste Renoir The Lodge. 1880

At an exhibition in Milan you can see "Portrait of Madame Monet" (1874) Renoir, "Geese" by Monet (1874) "Woman with a Dog" (1891) brushes by Pierre Bonnard, and many other wonderful works.

the first time such a large part of the collection of the Institute of Sterling and Francine Clark went to an international tour. Milan is only the first stop on the way this traveling exhibition on Impressionist show in France, Spain, England, Japan, China and Canada.

material was prepared by Maria Onuchina, AI

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