Art Investment

"Russian artists Makovsky," in Vologda

The exhibition in the Vologda Regional Art Gallery presents outstanding works by seven members of the famous artistic dynasty Makovsky

Vologda Regional Art Gallery, December 3, 2011 - February 14, 2012
Vologda , Kremlin Square, 10

Exhibition "Russian painters Makovsky," in the Vologda Regional Art Gallery, prepared by a large team of specialists at the initiative of the Yaroslavl Art Museum, presents outstanding works by seven members of this famous artistic dynasty. Its founder - Yegor Ivanovich Makovsky (1802-1886), well-educated man, a connoisseur of art and collector, was one of the founders of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, who later became the home of many great Russian artists. The house is always going to Makovsky prominent artists, musicians, writers and artists. Here there were Mikhail Glinka, Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, M. Schepkin. Conversations about art, visiting artists' studios were the first school for children E. Makovsky.

Konstantin Makovsky
Portrait of a Woman. 1890 - e
Oil on canvas. VOKG
Source: < /a>
Vladimir Makovsky
Type gallant old man. 1919
Watercolour. VOKG

Artworks artists of the middle generation of famous painters Constantin (1839-1915) and Vladimir E. Vladimir (1846-1920) Yegorovich Makovsky, the master of Russian realist landscape Makovsky (1842 -1886), a thin and penetrating peyzazhistki Alexandra Yegorovna Makovsky (1837-1915) at the core of the exhibition. Along with their works in the exhibition includes rare works by artists of the younger generation: etyudny landscape Konstantinovny (1878-1967) , portrait, still life and landscapes chamber Alexander V. (1869-1924) Makovsky. Graphic section of the exhibition introduces the watercolors, drawings, as well as heavy machine prints and illustrations by Vladimir Makovsky.

Vladimir Makovsky
Again, they argue (Cook and Cook .)
1912 Oil on canvas. VOKG.
Source: museum . ru
Konstantin Makovsky
Children Mr. Balashov.
1880 Oil on canvas. Rybinsk State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve
Source: < /a>

special interest in the exhibition are works of art history Sergei Konstantinovich Makovsky (1877-1962), who played an important role in the history of art of the Silver Age. In 1906 he took an active part in creating a magazine for lovers of art and antiquities "Old years" and was a member of its editorial committee. In 1909, at his initiative was based on an illustrated magazine of fine arts, music, theater and literature, "Apollo", which became the center of artistic life of his time. Great value SK Makovsky as an art critic, in his articles, united in the book "Pages of art criticism", he raises important questions of art of those years. Collection of essays "Silhouettes of Russian Artists" part was devoted to his famous family. Poetry Sergei Makovsky - excellent literary monument of the epoch. Artistic legacy of the famous artistic dynasty Makovsky now attracting great attention of all lovers, and Russian art.


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