Art Investment

"Artistic and literary treasures Muranova"

A new exhibition of the Museum-Estate "Muranovo" them. Tyutchev. More than eight masterpieces of Russian and Western art - paintings, drawings, porcelain, furniture, old books and archival documents of XVIII-XX centuries

Museum Estate "Muranovo Source:

Today, 24 December, the Museum-Estate "Muranovo" them. FITyutchev (Moscow region, Pushkin District, Muranovo) opens in the restored after a fire in 2006 the main halls of the manor house the exhibition "Artistic and literary treasures Muranova" - the most ambitious of a series of exhibitions in the museum recently.

This exhibition project gives visitors a complete picture of the stored here are the richest collection of works of fine and decorative arts, rare books and unique archival documents of XVIII - XX centuries. The scale of the exhibition is impressive: the museum has introduced more than eight masterpieces of Russian and Western art. Some of the exhibits displayed at the exhibition for the first time.

Integrity Muranowska meeting, ensuring continuity of residence in the estate for over a hundred years, representatives of famous Russian noble families Engelhardt Boratynsky, Putiata Tyutchevs and gives it a special historical cultural value. Collections Muranova are diverse kinds, genres and styles.

«rare" and "deserves a special monograph" described Muranowska collection of paintings Academy Grabar . It is represented by masterpieces by such masters as FS Roars , Alexander Roslin , B. VATropinin , IK Makarov , FF Kyunel, F. Durk. Museum-Estate owns at least a representative collection of works of original graphics, which has a working AI Bard, M. Terebenev , PA Nisevina and other; its composition porcelain collection, including works of masters of Russian factories - Imperial, Gardner, Popov, Kuznetsova, French - Dagoth, Darth, the Duke of Angouleme, products, and the Meissen porcelain factory at Berlin the royal plant as well as English - Derby and other European productions XVIII - XIX centuries.

The exhibition includes Russian and foreign furniture XVIII - XIX centuries. Several items are made from drawings EA Boratynsky local craftsmen.

In an extensive book collection, along with samples of popular literature in his time (for example, books from the series "for country houses, ships and Train "), represented by a number of unique exhibits. Save 70 books that belonged to F. Tjutchev; interesting variety of Bible and in Old French; famous French encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert, published in 1751-80 years. Several books are on their pages litters of their respective owners. Such, for example, publication of comedy ASGriboedov "Woe from Wit" in 1854 with handwritten inserts NV Putyata, fills censorship bill.

Exposition clearly represents Muranowska museum as the true treasure of Russian estate culture XVIII - early XX century. The authors of the exhibition hope that a new exhibition project to fully reflect the artistic world of the estate, the creative spirit that prevailed in Muranowska Nest of the Gentry "for two hundred years old and cherished here, and in XX - XXI centuries.

The exhibition runs until the end of 2011.


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