Art Investment

"B. I. Hau. Russian intimate portrait at the State Pushkin Museum

At the monographic exhibition of the outstanding portrait painter VI Hau collected more than 150 paintings from major museums and private collections in Russia

Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, the Duchess of Leuchtenberg, with their children, Nikolai and Maria . 1845
the Russian Museum

Self. 1855
Bristol board, watercolor, white. 25.4 x 20,1
State Hermitage
Source: museum . ru

At the State Pushkin Museum (Prechistenka, 12 /2) yesterday opened a monographic exhibition of Vladimir Ivanovich Hau « Russian Chamber portrait. " In a unique exhibition, the first representing together more than 150 works of outstanding masters of the watercolor portrait painting of XIX century, with more than 20 major Russian museums and private collectors.

Vladimir Hau (1816-1895), courtier artist, academician, one of the leading masters of the watercolor portrait painting in Russia during the first half of the XIX century. His name is on a par with the masters who worked in this genre, as Peter Sokolov and brothers Alexander and Exhibition VI Hau. Russian intimate portrait "continues a long series of exhibitions dedicated to the masters of the watercolor portrait painting; previous monographic exhibitions talked about life and work of PF and AP Sokolov Bryullova and aroused great interest of specialists and connoisseurs of the genre.

Legacy VI Hau is more than six finished watercolor portraits, not counting the numerous sketches, sketches, lithographs and engravings done by his originals. He is on the right is a "portrait chronicler of" the era not only of Nicholas I, and Alexander II. He painted numerous watercolor portraits owned by members of the imperial household, particularly the Empress Alexandra, Grand Duchesses Maria, Olga and Alexander, Grand Duke Alexander, Nicholas and Michael Constantine - the children of Emperor Nicholas I, Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, princes of Oldenburg and Leuchtenberg.

for the State Pushkin Museum, the exhibition has special significance. Brushes VI Hau owns six portraits Natalia Nikolaevna Pushkina (1842-1844) and two watercolors (1849), one of which was performed for the album Horse Guards Regiment. Watercolor artist retained the appearance of many friends of Alexander Pushkin: Countess AV Bobrinskii, the wife of a by a son of Catherine II by Count Grigory Orlov, the chief of gendarmes and Superior III Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Chancellery of the graph A. Let . Orlova, MS Olenina in the house where the poet stayed in Torzhok; cavalry maiden NA Durova; AA Olenina, where the poet spent a few lyric poems; Count P. Shuvalov; brothers VA . and BA Perovsky and other contemporaries of the poet.

Today, the Wizard are in the collections of many museums in Russia and in private collections. State Pushkin Museum were able to identify and include in the first monographic exhibition of Vladimir Ivanovich Gau about 150 of his works, many of which are exhibited for the first time. In chronological order: presented earlier watercolors and pencil drawings of 1830, many of the 1840-50's - the period of greatest prosperity Hau skill as a portrait and a small selection of works by 1860, 90, gives an idea of the late period of his career.

During the research work carried out in preparation for the exhibition, it was systematically creative heritage of the artist, offered some new iconographic definitions specified dates portraits revealed copyrights repetition. In full, this material will enter the album directory "Vladimir Ivanovich Hau. Russian intimate portrait, already prepared for printing.


State Pushkin Museum, Russian Museum of C . Pushkin, Vyatka Art Museum. VM and AM Vasnetsov, State Tretyakov Gallery, State Museum Association "Art Culture of the Russian North", the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the State Historical Museum, the State Literature Museum, State Museum-Reserve Peterhof State Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin State Russian Museum, State Theater Museum of AA Bakhrushin State Hermitage Museum, the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), History, Architecture and Art Museum "New Jerusalem", Moscow Museum-Estate Ostankino "Museum VATropinin and Moscow artists of his time, the Museum-Estate" Muranovo "them. Tyutchev, Ryazan State Regional Art Museum. I. Pozhalostin, Tula Museum of Fine Arts, Uglich State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum, Yaroslavl Art Museum, private collections in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

exhibition will run until March 14, 2011 year.


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