Art Investment

The works of Jean Lyursa Gallery of Art

Opens exhibition of paintings, ceramics and tapestries Lyursa Jean (Jean Lurcat, 1892-1966) in the Year of France - Russia 2010

Today, November 19, in the halls of the Art Gallery (Prechistenka, 19) opens an exhibition of works by Jean Lyursa (Jean Lurcat, 1892-1966) in the Year of France - Russia 2010 . Exhibition organized by the Academy of Fine Arts of France, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Arts.

The exhibition features tapestries, paintings, pottery and collectible editions of books written or illustrated by artists who have a sufficiently complete picture of the artist in the period from 1920 to 1960-th. These works were bequeathed to the Academy of Fine Arts, the artist's widow Simone Lyursa.

Jean Lyursa - a versatile artist: he is not only a poet and humanist, and author of cartons for tapestries, illustrator and ceramic artists. Active participant in the struggle for peace and enlightenment, Jean Lyursa considered one of the most brilliant artists of the period between the two world wars, although to this day his work remains poorly understood. He was very well known mainly as a painter kartoner, but not everyone knows about his painting, and he belonged to the great masters of his time: Picasso, Braque, Derain, Matisse ... Jean Lyursa has created more than 1500 works, painted in oil, gouache and watercolors, remained aloof from the permanent successive artistic movements.

Artist sensitive towards fluctuations in the society between the two world wars: colorful oriental characters beginning of this period, made in warm colors give way to dull landscapes, disembodied and mysterious elongated silhouettes, inspired by his experiences of World War I, is becoming a way of suffering a defeat of a man who then replaced come pyshnotelye ladies in a landscape more vivid color. Anxiety and understanding of the inevitability of the impending horrors of World War II, clearly seen in his work, which focuses on the aesthetic issues, the palette becomes more rigorous. Later Lyursa abandoned painting and turned to the tapestry, which he later gave most of their energy.

Jean Lyursa tried their hand at tapestry during the First World War in 1939, when this art is in deep crisis, he realized the need for radical changes in it. Thanks to its technical and stylistic innovations Lyursa Jean has been recognized worldwide as one of the great reformers of the tapestry of art, he also initiated the revival and renewal of contemporary textile art. Numerous orders came to him, in particular, from the famous Manufacture of tapestries, which was made a great series "The Four Seasons» (Les quatre saisons). In 1957, at the height of his fame, he began his major work "Song of Peace» (Le Chant Du Monde) - a tapestry of 350 m ², epic and poetic vision of the twentieth century. The legacy of Jean Lyursy as an artist-kartonera includes more than a thousand works.

In During the exhibition will show the film of Patrick Casale "Solar Dream» (Le rêve ensoleillé), narrating about the life of Jean Lyursy.

exhibition will run until December 12, 2010.

Source : the press release of the Russian Academy of Arts

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