Art Investment

"Habitat" by Sergei Kiselyov Alexey Sergienko Gallery

Today in the gallery of Alexey Sergienko (St. Petersburg) opens the exhibition Sergey Kiselev "habitat". The exhibition is organized within the framework of project "Ecology of space" on the relationship of ecology environment and eco

Today, October 25, 2010, in the gallery of Alexey Sergienko (St. Petersburg, Kazan, 12) opens an exhibition of paintings by Sergei Kiselyov "habitat».

«In the still lifes, Sergei Kiselev, read the artist's relationship to time, which moves away, goes away, like sand through his fingers. And, with all the modern discoveries, speed and pace, it is impossible to catch and stop. It is only by virtue of art.

Artist suspends time and capturing a feeling, he resurrects and perpetuates it. The author builds a still life not as a symbolic space in the spirit of Dutch painting of the XVII century, for it becomes important to convey a sense of the transience of time. Everybody tells us: and vintage coffee grinders, and devoid of gloss, grown old gramophones, and end-of-century telephones.

In addition to still lifes theme is autumn, intensifying our feelings. Minor painting absorbs us. And even the city of improvisation Sergei fill elusive blues tunes, hiding in the non-existent ghost houses, painted on a background of silvery flowing sky. This world is imbued with memories, and still lifes are filled is not functional, outdated items, but so dear to our hearts. Probably everyone has something of the past with what he can not leave.

creative lab of the master rather complicated. Works by Sergei differs remarkably beautiful textured surface. The artist is constantly experimenting with colors and textures, varnishes and resins. The result is an original and recognizable style wizard.

Artist promotes intuitive painting. According to him, "work on the real image of the object, you can start with anything, such as from the point. And in the end bring anything. " The artist begins with abstraction - with color stains, blots, planes. And then there drawing an image that must be guessed at random combinations of colorful brush strokes. Just as seeing who can find in the sky something familiar, and the artist captures and reveals the contours of the utensils, the shape of animals or shade houses. In the end, interwoven figurative and non-figurative art, these basic approaches to contemporary painting become dependent on each other »

exhibition is open until October 31, 2010.

The exhibition is part of the scientific and the artistic project "Ecology of space" that explored the relationship of ecology environment and ecology of morality, cultural space of the person. The most important environmental issue and one of the most important conditions for the solution of its problems - the culture of every man, his respectful attitude toward the world. And in this case, art is an instrument for building communication with the community.

Draft filled with many events aimed at drawing attention to environmental issues in the political, business, social and cultural spheres.

Source: press release picture of Alexei Sergienko

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