Art Investment

The exhibition "Graphic maneuvers" in the gallery GOST

The exhibition features graphic works by Alexander Livanova, Olga Lozovsky, Vladimir Salnikov and Nina Boiler

In this Thursday, Oct. 7, in the gallery GOST (Moscow, Malaya Dmitrovka, 29 /4, Exhibition Hall "Chekhov's house") will open the exhibition "Graphic maneuvers" in the framework of the museum schedules ».

Gallery GO ST "represents an unexpected" graphics maneuvers "first-class domestic painters: Livanova (born 1938) , Olga Lozova (born 1950), Vladimir Salnikov (born 1948) and Nina Kotel (born 1949). Artists to win a drawing of his lost positions and re-assert the independence and self-sufficiency of graphic art, while remaining active players on the broad, controversial and uncompromising art space.

«Drawing - the science of risk", - has noticed Alexander Lebanon, and now his words ring truer than it ever was. For pseudoscientific interpretations and vycokolobymi verbalization of globalization, medializatsii, sanctification, and all sorts of other "canonization" in art, designed to attract a mass audience, drawing as an artistic process remains somewhere on the periphery of the interests of a wide range of viewers and art critics. Contemporary artistic practice, accumulated rich experience in the field of performance, installation art and objects, deprived status of the draw "release time" and expressed a preference for artistic action and momentary happening, often losing the path of creative perception of freshness and immediacy of the experience.

Speaking with one voice and pursue a common goal, each of these artists choose their strategy and their tactics of graphic exercises. Certainly, they have a common point of reference - full scale drawing. But this is not about imitating nature, not about the image visible, and the imagination, know-encoded, refracted and interpreted in the mind of the artist.

Vladimir Salnikov maneuvers in the range of seemingly open-air, but romantically conceived sketches 1989 (1991) "Memories of East Prussia" (devoted to Caspar David Friedrich) to the hard nature studies from the series "In the Garden" (1988).

Genre metamorphosis in pencil series "Plus and Minus (1990)," What do you now think about it, Rose? "(1990)," Wooden Christmas tree "(2002) Nina boiler occur in the amplitude of the" landscape, still life, portrait and are due to conscious framing images, creating a fascinating "film collection" animated things.

Polizhanrovye lyrical compositions Olga Lozova series ("Roofs," 1980) tend to be graphic abstraction to the extreme "straining the white on white and revealing spatial austerity sheet.

Analytical exercises in still life drawings by Alexander Livanova 1970-90's is a rare example of precisely and succinctly-established structures, where a military clearly verified by the dislocation of each competitor graphics "exercises" in the area of operational responsibility. His "plastic" maneuvers are not prone to manipulation and alien to the genre too much narrative.

generally small but strong army of "maneuvering" to show artists identified the following policies and strategic orientations. Despite the fact that today the usual schedule pencil forced to take defensive positions, and the pattern can no longer act as a universal way of mapping the world, its main function - the interpreter and mediator - remains relevant regardless of the momentary taste or social needs.

The exhibition runs until October 30, 2010.

Source: Press Release Gallery H. O. T.

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