Art Investment

Exhibition Oksana Mach in "Aidan Gallery"

Installation HELIUM 3

Today, 23 September, "Aidan Gallery" exhibition opens Oksana Mas.

Oksana Mas is probably the most controversial and free from the stereotypes of the artist. Appearing on the Moscow art scene in the mid-zero, this native of Odessa, at first proved to be a subtle but temperamental artist whose work fits into the framework of a bright art artists "South Russian Wave". However, very soon became clear that the Mas are available, many languages of art and art only one of them. Your true creativity and plastic potential Oksana Mas demonstrated at the 2008 solo exhibition at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, will introduce viewers to two series of objects - "Heart Transplant" and "Phenomenon epidermizma. It is logical that after this she had to go to the next plastic and conceptual level, to challenge space, conceived and implemented a total installation. Actually, it and was presented in "Aidan Gallery" installation HELIUM 3.

HELIUM 3 is intriguing by its name. Indeed, it is not artistic metaphor, and the hero of the installation - the lighter isotope of helium, which could, as we are convinced that the scientific and popular journals, effectively used in fusion reactors. Simply put, helium-3 - fuel of the future: they would be nearly 1000 years to replace all energy sources that were used before mankind. But this is the future if and comes, not soon. Helium-3 occurs in the lunar soil under the influence of solar wind and how to extract it, and even more to deliver to the Earth, mankind had not thought of (except in Hollywood films like "Moon" and computer games about the very distant future). However, Mas does not care about mundane issues of world energy, it is intriguing poetry of this discovery and the potential demiurgic mysterious, almost alchemical, born in the first impulse of the universe - the Big Bang - the isotope.

using the form (large black and white areas, representing a helium-3 and deuterium) and lighting effects artist is playing in space "Aidan Gallery" cosmogonic mystery, forcing the viewer to believe that he observes the alchemical wedding of the isotopes, which tend to occur in a nuclear reaction. Association with lovers, ready to merge in ecstasy, and create a new life, according to the artist, there are also relevant. However, the installation HELIUM 3 - is not only a tribute to the incoming now in vogue science-art, in which artists collaborate with basic science or simulate science experiments - but also quite natural for the artist's reaction to the surrounding world. One of the main features of the Mas is that she, unlike many, has a sharp sense of timing. HELIUM 3 - elegant and minimalist illustration of the passion for science that is increasingly captures the contemporary Russian society. Such enthusiasm felt perhaps that the sixties, seriously quoting the girls on dates has become a symbol of decades of naive utopian (if not to say - stupidity) singing the line "... and Mars will be apple blossom. " Today, basic science has become not only one of the main themes of the discourse of Russian power, but also social fetish. Perhaps, and this figuratively tells us Oksana Mas.

Maria Kravtsova

Source : Press Release "Aidan Gallery»

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