Art Investment

"Star Wars" in Odessa

Today at the Art Center (Odessa, Pushkinskaya, 32) presents "Star Wars".

Today, 10 September, the Art Center (Odessa, Pushkinskaya, 32) presents "Star Wars". The project curator Anatoly Dymchuka attended the first names of Contemporary Art of Ukraine in Kiev and Odessa.

Conceptually, the exhibition "Star Wars" exhibit last year continues to RESTART, shown Anatoly Dymchukom. RESTART - it was the beginning, the first acquaintance with the Ukrainian Odessa spectator in modern art, with which the people of Kiev has long been familiar. At the exhibition featured forty artists - so many in one show no one had ever collected.

«Star Wars" - one step further, deepening detail. That's five to five, Odessa Kiev.

Roitburd, as a representative and Odessa, and Kiev - between them. He and the other side, and on this one. He and for some, but for others. Works in Odessa, he lives and sells his work in Kiev.

«Kievans - Arsene Savadov , Oleg Tistol , Chichkan , Maxim Mamsikov . These names have become legendary. Participants in the prestigious international exhibitions, binnale and auctions. Leading brands of Ukrainian contemporary art, who won a place in the sun in the late 1980's and 1990's.

Odessans - Igor Gusev , Vladimir Kozhukhar , Sergei Zarva , Basil and Stepan Ryabchenko . Stars of Contemporary Art, who continue to fight for its right to exist in this blessed city.

Alexander Roitburd as a" wandering stars "- between Kiev and Odessa - one of the leaders of the modern art of Ukraine.

All of them - people power, but, alas, for the vast majority of the townsfolk of Odessa still unclear who they are, the Jedi with a light hand, or the Sith - the dark.

Fortunately, it is still unclear by the soldiers. Maybe that's why their art is alive and urgent »( Michael Rashkovetsky ).

« In Star Wars is absolutely for all parties involved ultimate goal is peace. (Peace is better than before the war.)

world, where the chaos there is harmony auction record labels force. Where the downtrodden banners aesthetics nameless artists take on the names.

This Happy End, alas, there are no winners. Their desire is not fulfilled. Their aggression - it is rather a shift from object to process, and their fame - the smallest loss on each side.

great artist is not likened to an animal, compete for food and territory. His war based on "need love" is to protect a sacred object whose name is ART.

His bread - it's our show. His world - it is an illusion, and it everyone has their own ... »( Igor Gusev )


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Opening RESTART in Odessa

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