Art Investment

Exhibition ceiling icons in St. Petersburg

Today, 12 August, at the State Museum of History of Religion presents "" Heaven "Zaonezhye" from the museum-reserve "Kizhi"

Today, August 12, 2010 State Museum of History of Religion (St. Petersburg) opens the exhibition "" Heaven "Zaonezhye" from the museum-reserve "Kizhi". This exhibition - component part of the same name of the project. The main objective of the project and exhibition, in the opinion of its author Galina Frolova, is to provide the community not only icons of unusual form and content, specific attire northern wooden cold (old) churches, but also the expansion of representations of modern man on the Orthodox worldview residents Obonezhya in XVII - XIX centuries . Important, according to the authors, the project is to acquaint the public with a wealth of funds of the Museum "Kizhi».

Museum-Reserve "Kizhi" has a treasure, the like of which there is not only in Russia, but probably and in the world. It is the largest collection of unique ceiling icons, innovative in form and content, performed in the seventeenth - nineteenth centuries to Obonezhskih, ie, located around Lake Onega, churches and chapels. Most of them are the temples of Zaonezhye. The museum collection of icons "heaven" - the ceiling painting - has 285 storage units. It consists of icons, in different shapes (round "medallions" trapezoid "brink" triangular "sails"), and structural parts (locking ring and tyabla). All the icons were presented at the exhibition originate from the main collection of the Museum "Kizhi". Much of the icons of "sky" from the museum shows for the first time.

Dimensions ceiling icons affects not only the inhabitants of villages Transonegan XVII - XVIII centuries, but modern man. Many of them reach two meters or more.

total, the exhibition includes 30 letters to the north of icons.

Visitors will see the true ceiling decoration of the eight Transonegan monuments: the chapels of the Dormition of the Virgin from Vasilyev, in honor of the "Saviour" from the village of the Whigs, in the name of the apostles Peter and Paul, from the village Volkostrov, in the name of St. George from the village of Ust-Yandoma in honor Bogorodichno icon "The Omen" from the village of Korba, in the name of the village of Great Martyr Barbara Chasovenskaya, unknown Transonegan chapels and churches in the name of St. Nicholas from the village Vegoruksa, as well as two obonezhskih monuments on the territory of modern Kondopoga area - a chapel to St. Nicholas from the village of Meloy Guba and churches in the name of the apostles Peter and Paul from the village of Lychny island.

Show was preceded by considerable preparatory work, including restoration. Some restorers high level (both from the Museum "Kizhi", as well as outside experts) have given a second life 11 icons. However, restorers Museum Galina Frolova and Hope Kuusela worked Irina Kuspak from the museum of Fine Arts, Alexander Yablokov from Moscow GosNIIR and a group Valentina Akimova from the Moscow Scientific and restoration of artistic control. Especially for the exhibition "Heaven" Zaonezhye "restored the icon" forefather Abraham "and" St John the Evangelist. Lion of the chapel in honor of the "Saviour" of the village of the Whigs, "angels" of the church for the sake of the Apostles Peter and Paul of village Lychny Island.

The project for the exhibition released book by Galina Frolova "" Heaven "Zaonezhye. Icons from the Collection of the Museum-Reserve "Kizhi". The original works of materials for which the curator collection of tempera painting GI Frolova collected more than a year, is richly illustrated photowork Oleg Semenenko. Design books by Ina Kazakova. Unusual artistic embodiment of the concept of the exhibition belongs to the designer of the museum Irina Pankova.

To accompany the exhibition Museum "Kizhi" offers a seven-minute film with commentary on the restoration of icons, slide film with icons of "heaven", as well virtual tour "" Heaven "Zaonezhye».

exhibition runs until September 26, 2010.


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