Art Investment

Precious ornaments.

Today in Omsk State Museum of Regional History opened an exhibition from the collection of the State Historical Museum

Today, 12 August, in Omsk State Museum of Regional History presents "Precious patterns. Gold in the monuments of arts and crafts, and writing "from the State Historical Museum (Moscow).

exhibition introduces the monuments of history, culture, art, decoration of gold, which is used in the form of gilding inlays, decorative elements of various technical execution. Presented by 136 unique exhibits of the secular and religious nature of the departments of precious metals, manuscripts and early printed books, glass and ceramics, textiles and costume, metal. The works created in Russia, in Europe and Asia, covering the period XVI - XX centuries.

Shining gold surface in ancient times symbolized the sun, attracted and fascinated people. The metal since ancient times was seen as "frozen in the land of sun, deified and spread its magic on all other materials, which come in contact. Gold has long been used in the decoration of articles made of silver, bronze, copper and other non-precious alloys, wood, ceramics, leather, textiles, exotic materials such as tortoiseshell or sharkskin. Gold is used in ornamental headpieces manuscripts, colorization man-made or printed miniature, the design of precious bindings of books.

The oldest exhibit - a parchment leaf from a unique choral books of the XIV century, established in Italy. The interest will cause the French and Belgian "Breviary» XV century, a sample of Persian love poetry "Yusuf and Zuleikha", "plungers" sewing, adornment hats women in the central provinces of Russia, and products of the Imperial Glass Works.

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