The two great empires - Rome and China - at the exhibition in Milan
In Milan, an exhibition devoted to the art of two great empires - the Roman and Chinese.
in Milan (Italy) opened an exhibition devoted to the art of the two great empires - the Roman and Chinese. Two thousand years ago, these two empires ruled half the population of the globe. The exhibition features more than 450 items from Rome and China (during the Qin and Han). Imbibed the artifacts of six centuries - from the II century BC to IV century AD - a collection reflect similarities and differences in development between the two empires. Both the state of education were about the same size, each of them directly controlled territory of about 4 million square kilometers and has managed to 50-60 million subjects. Both Empire armed with a powerful army, laid similar bureaucratic system with similar administrative units. The people of each empire believed his country the center of the universe, around Terrestrial (Orbis Terrarum) - in Rome, the Middle Kingdom - China. However, both empires were killed at the hands of those who were considered barbarians.
captures the highlights of the state of Rome and China, their ups and downs, the exhibition at the same time gives an idea of highly diverse lifestyles peoples who inhabited these empires. The exhibition features works from 50 collections from around the world. In the Roman section is the marble statues, frescoes, glassware, silver, mosaics, tombstones and more. Among the Chinese artefacts - the soldiers of the Terracotta Army, clothing from landfills, lacquered sarcophagus, a rare canvas painted silk murals during the Han Dynasty, a bronze and gold pans.
According to Milan's Adviser for Cultural Affairs Finatstsera Flory (Finazzer Flory), this exhibition organizers would like to start a dialogue of cultures between East and West, revealing the history of the people, traditions, laws, economic development, ideologies and art. After the data of archeology and anthropology, we can see that very different at first glance cultures have much in common.
This exhibition was held in the Beijing World Art Museum in 2009. In Milan, the Royal Palace (Palazzo Reale), it will run until September 5, 2010, then went to Rome.
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