Art Investment

The exhibition "Vladimir Salon Arts in CDH

Today in the CHA opened the exposition, which features over 200 paintings, drawings and sculptures of artists Vladimir and Vladimir region

Today CHA presents "Vladimir Salon Arts, dedicated to the 65 th anniversary of the Vladimir regional office VTOO" Union of Russian Artists ". It features over 200 paintings, drawings and sculptures of artists Vladimir and Vladimir region.

  • KOKURIN VG Autumn klen

Vladimirskoye branch of the Union of Soviet Artists was founded in spring 1945 , immediately after the Victory in Great Patriotic War. Already in 1960 it became clear that in domestic painting, a new original direction, with the background of the official art - Vladimir school of landscape painting, which formed the basis of the principle of conditionality and decorative color. Its stylistic features were pure tones, the work of color patches, the bright color contrasts. During the years of Vladimir Union of the acknowledged masters of painting K. Britov , Yukino B. , B. Kokurin , D. Rokhlin, K. Mazin and others created a unique and glorified the Vladimir school of painting, widely known not only in Russia but also abroad. Their achievements are not inferior to the master graphics: creative BA Frantsuzova, Leonova , V. Shumov, A. Bochkin and made an artistic community to talk about the unique "Vladimir schedule».

  • SEVOSTYaNOV VP Subjects in masterskoy

exhibition "Vladimir Salon Arts" includes works by artists of different generations and artistic perspectives, broadly reflects the trends in contemporary Vladimir art. Near maestros B. Kokurin and B. Telegin spectators will see the recognized masters of painting - V. Bychkova, V. Sevostyanova, V. Pavlycheva, O. Modorova, Yu Mokshin, E. Zakharova, W. Hamkova and many others. The younger generation of painters represent D. Choline, A. Mochalin, A. Solodilov, V. Bata, sculptor P. Mavshov and others. Graphic Department of the exhibition are etchings M. Kocheshkova, Yu Tkachev and V. Nilova, Denisova watercolors, pastels V. Ruzin, I. Chuksin, A. Egorova, V. Gilazutdinovoy. For visitors the opportunity to see the bright, filled with emotional harmony, optimism and love for his native land of work, and personally make sure that Vladimir artists with dignity continues the lyrical tradition of Russian realist art.

The exhibition is open to April 22 to May 2, 2010 in Moscow's Central House of Artists (Halls 13-14).

Organizer - Gallery TNK Art »

Source: press release CHA

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